Are you prepared for online learning?


Learning through an online class requires different skills than learning face-to-face. It's important to know what you're getting into, and to understand the kind of commitment that's necessary for success in online learning. You can get a good idea of your readiness for online learning by filling out the following assessment. The results of this assessment will let you see whether, and in what areas, you might need to improve your readiness.  

This assessment explores your preparedness for online learning in the following critical areas: 

  • access to technology
  • skills & self-discipline
  • time management, &
  • online learning experience.​​

This assessment is for informational purposes only . For additional help figuring out whether an online class is a worthwhile option for you, consult with your instructors, advisors, and association dean.





Creative Commons License

This material is based on original content by Glenn Pillsbury at Stanislaus State, which was published freely under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license at