Syllabus for Roster(s):
- 13F MAE 3810-100 (ENGR)
In the UVaCollab course site: 13F MAE 3810-100 (ENGR)
MAE 3810 Fall 2012
This lab course teaches basic concepts and methods in engineering measurements and data analysis. Basic topics include mechanical and electrical sensors and measurement instruments, measurement uncertainty, statistic and data analysis. Additional topics include digital signal processing and data acquisition systems using Labview. Applications are to mechanical and aero/thermofluids devices. Two lectures and two laboratory hours
Course Objectives
- Learn why do engineers conduct experiments
- Learn what do they need to know before they conduct an experiment
- Learn what are some common experimental methods and measurement mechanisms
- Learn how do they assess the results of the experiment
Course Instructor
- Gabriel Laufer
- Office: MEC 313
- Office phone: 243-4712
- email:
- Office hours: Tuesday 2-5
Teaching Assistants
Aaron Lam
Bryan Kessel
Jong Ho Sonn
Dustin Crouse
Meeting times and locations
Lectures Monday and Friday 12:00-12:50 MEC 205 Lab Section 1 T 2:00-4:00 PM MEC 103 Lab Section 2 Th 2:00-4:00 PM MEC 103 Lab Section 3 T 4:00-6:00 PM MEC 103 Lab Section 4 We 2:00-4:00 PM MEC 103 Lab Section 5 Th 4:00-6:00 PM MEC 103 Lab Section 6 We 4:00-6:00 PM MEC 103 Lab Section 7 We 6:00-8:00 PM MEC 103
See attached course schedule
- There is no textbook for this course. All materials for this course including:
- Lecture notes
- Lab manuals
- Report templates
- Grading rubrics
All students must wear closed toe shoes. This excludes sandals, flip flops, or any other footwear that leaves the toes exposed. Student arriving to the laboratory with inappropriate foot wear will be expelled witout being given the opportunity to make up that missed lab session.
Lecture Attendance
Lecture attendance is not mandatory but is strongly recommended: many concepts that you will explore in the laboratory will be discussed in the lecture. On the other hand, if you plan to come to lecture and read email, send text messages, or otherwise not participate, please do not attend. In addition, there will be unannounced quizzes during lecture throughout the semester: there will be no makeup of these quizzes .
Lab Attendance
Lab attendance is mandatory and will be recorded. If you manage to complete the lab in one session (two hours) then you do not have to attend lab the following week.
Lab Makeups
Lab makeup time will be provided. If you need to attend a lab makeup session, send a request to the instructor with an explanation of why you need to attend the makeup session. You may not attend a lab makeup session without permission from the instructor.
Honor Policy
All students submitting lab reports, quizzes, or tests for this course will be required to attest to the following honor pledge:
On our honor, as students at the University of Virginia, we hereby certify that:
1. The work in a preliminary lab report was written collectively by the members of this group and represents ideas substantially generated by this group. The group members may have discussed the questions and issues with others in the class before formulating this material, but the work is expected to be substantially that of the group authors.
2. The work in a final lab report was written solely by the indicated student author and reflects the laboratory findings of the group and analysis efforts of this student. The group may have discussed experimental problems during the laboratory with members of this group, members of other groups, the TA, or the instructor. The student may have consulted with other members of this lab group, the TA, or the course instructor in completing the post-laboratory analysis but the work is expected to be substantially that of the student author.
It is the intent of this policy to encourage exchange of ideas and expertise amongst the students enrolled in the course but, at the same time, to ensure that work submitted for a grade reflects the actual understanding and capabilities of the student author.
All assignments will be submitted electronically as a single file (for each assignment) in the Adobe PDF file format. Assignments submitted in other formats or as multiple files will not be graded. Preliminary lab reports are due by 5:00 PM on the Monday following the first week of lab. Postlab experimental reports are due by 5:00 PM on the Wednesday following the last week of that lab.
Late submissions
Assignments submitted late without prior negotiation will be subject to a penalty of 5% per day.
- The course has six laboratory projects, each with a preliminary and final lab report. In addition, you will be evaluated on the basis of your performance in the laboratory. Finally, there will be unannounced quizzes during lecture and a final examination:
Graded Item Value (percent) Lab 1 preliminary report 5% Lab 1 final report 10% Lab 2 preliminary report 5% Lab 2 final report 10% Lab 3 preliminary report 5% Lab 3 final report 10% Lab 4 preliminary report 5% Lab 4 final report 10% Lab 5 preliminary report 5% Lab 5 final report 10% Lab 6 preliminary report 5% Lab 6 final report 10% Unannounced quizzes 10%