Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 13F EDIS 5650-001 (EDUC)
In the UVaCollab course site:   13F EDIS 5650-001 (EDUC)

EDIS 565 Cultural Geography Course Description

Course Description:

This course is designed to prepare elementary and secondary pre-service teachers to understand the elements of the discipline of geography, with a focus on the relationship between people and places on earth.  In preparation for the VA licensure requirement, students will examine the content of a cultural geography school curriculum and the methods for teaching geography education to K-12 students.  Students will acquire an accurate spatial perspective of the world and apply that perspective to classroom and life situations.  The desired outcomes are consistent with the National Geography Standards, Geography for Life and the Virginia Standards of Learning: World Geography.


Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

-          Define human geography through a cultural perspective using various methods of geographic inquiry

-          Identify and describe geographic content to explain why and how places with similar features have evolved as distinct regions

-          Demonstrate knowledge of the National Geography Standards, traditions, themes, and related geographic skills through the creation of lessons and learning experiences for K-12 students

-          Analyze and synthesize the historical and cultural development of geography as a discipline to gain diverse perspectives on spatial considerations, spatial variation and human-environmental interaction



Methods of Instruction:

The is an online course and as such students will be responsible for a significant amount of independent learning.  Power points, video clips, and readings will be posted online.  These resources as well as texts will serve as student guides to complete the required assignments.