Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 13F GNUR 6010-001 (NURS)
In the UVaCollab course site:   13F GNUR 6010-001 (NURS)

Course Description (for SIS)

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  Designed to study selected physiologic and pathophysiologic mechanisms in health and disease.


1.  Interpret content related to physiologic and pathophysiologic literature and published research data which contribute to an understanding of nursing or related health care problems.

2.   Apply knowledge of physiologic and pathophysiologic mechanisms in predicting the probable effect of changes in a biological system previously at equilibrium.

3.   Synthesize through comprehension, analysis and application, physiologic and pathophysiologic mechanisms in order that these mechanisms may be incorporated into the practice of nursing and/or health care.

4.    Relate an understanding of the pathophysiologic mechanisms of disease to special populations (elderly, ethnic, cultural).

5.     Discuss the ethical, social, political, and economic impact of selected diseases.