Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 13F GCNL 5180-001 (NURS)
In the UVaCollab course site:   13F GCNL 5180-001 (NURS)

Course Description (for SIS)



GCNL 5180 is a required course in the CNL program. This course provides students with the opportunity to integrate the knowledge and skills acquired from previous courses during an intensive 224-hour experience in an area that the student will complete the final CNL capstone residency (GCNL 5991). Students refine clinical skills in group patient care delivery, priority setting and decision-making. Clinical application allows students to explore the nurse’s role in the formal organization, the progression of leadership roles and responsibilities, and to begin the transition to leadership in professional nursing practice. Clinical conference time is used to explore patient care issues, ethical/legal dilemmas, and the leadership challenges of professional practice. Clinical placements encompass a wide variety of inpatient and outpatient settings.