Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 17Sp PSHM 4700-101 (SCPS)
  • 17Sp PSHM 5700-101 (SCPS)
In the UVaCollab course site:   PSHM 4700/5700

Class Overview for SIS

PSHM 4700/PSHM 5700 Economics and Finance of Health Care 


Online: Synchronous (1.5 hours/week) & Asynchronous (1.5 hours/week)

Class Overview and Syllabus – Spring 2017


Class Overview: General Class Information


Course Title:             PSHM 4700 Economics and Finance of Health Care

3.0 undergraduate credit hours



PSHM 5700 Economics and Finance of Health Care

3.0 graduate credit hours


Instructor:                  Maria Kronenburg, Ph.D., MBA


Contact Info:             E-mail:

E-mail is the best way to contact me! 

                                    Office Phone: (757) 650-7112


Course Dates:           Spring 2017: January 18, 2017 – May 2, 2017
Synchronous Sessions:  Tuesday from 7:00-9:30pm


UVACollab Site:        PSHM 4700/PSHM5700 Economics and Finance of Health Care



Prerequisite:              For PSHM 4700 -- Completion with satisfactory grades of PSHM 3010: Introduction to Health Care Management: Applying Concepts to Practice



For PSHM 5700 – Completion with satisfactory grades of PSHM 5010: Health Care Management: Applying Concepts to Practice

Course Description:  Provides a basic overview of economic and financial management concepts in the health care industry. Introduces important economic concepts and issues in health care, including market factors, supply and demand, production, costs, labor issues, and techniques for economic evaluation in health care. Provides students with an overview of basic financial management principles, capital planning and financing, financial statements, and budgeting in health care organizations and shows how these functions can be used for decision-making.


Course Learning Outcomes – This course is dual-level listed.  Please see discrete course learning outcomes below for each of the two courses. Upon successful completion of this course, the participant will be able to:

PSHM 4700


  1. Understand the relevance of economic concepts in the health care industry and the economic factors that affect health care policy.

  2. Explain the basic concepts of supply and demand in the health care industry, health insurance, and characteristics of the health care market.

  3. Assess the impacts of public and private payer systems and reforms on the economy and the health care industry.

  4. Understand and apply the methods used for economic evaluation of health care programs and policies, including cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses.

  5. Describe the basic principles of financial management and financial analysis in health care organizations.

  6. Interpret and analyze financial statements and financial metrics to improve decision making in the health care industry.

  7. Describe the functions of capital planning, asset management, and budgeting used in health care organizations.

  8. Evaluate the financial conditions of a health care organization and determine alternative solutions for a financial management problem


PSHM 5700


  1. Analyze the relevance of economic concepts in the health care industry and the economic factors that affect health care policy.

  2. Assess the determinants of supply and demand in the health care industry, characteristics of the health care market and health insurance.

  3. Appraise the impacts of public and private payer systems and reforms on the economy and the health care industry.

  4. Evaluate health care programs and policies using economic tools and evaluation techniques, including cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis.

  5. Apply the basic principles of financial management and financial analysis in health care organizations.

  6. Interpret and analyze financial statements and financial metrics to improve decision making in the health care industry.

  7. Apply the functions of capital planning, asset management, and budgeting used in health care organizations.

  8. Assess financial performance elements to determine the financial viability of a health care organization.

  9. Determine the financial conditions of a health care organization and alternative solutions for a financial management problem.



Where Can You Look for Important Information in this Course?  You can find important information in lots of places!  These resources include your required textbooks, numerous articles and readings (some required, some optional) already located in the Collab Resources section.  You can also find additional resources online through UVA’s online Library and through Google Scholar.


Required Textbooks:

Health Economics

Author:            Sloan, Frank A. and Chee-Ruey Hsieh

ISBN-13:         ISBN13:  9780262016766

Publisher:        MIT Press

Edition:            1st (2012)


Fundamentals of Health care Finance

Author:            Gapenski, Louis C.

ISBN-13:          9781567934755 

Publisher:        Health Administration Press

Edition:            2nd (2012)



Required Additional Resources and Technical Components: Journal articles, as assigned, will be accessible as PDF links within the UVaCollab Course site.  Selected supplemental book chapters will also be available as PDF links within the course site. You can access additional resources online via UVa Library.


Class Schedule:  Please review the course schedule for assignment and due dates, which is located on page 9 of the syllabus and can also be found in the Activities section of UVACollab.


Communication & Student Response Time: Typically, I will send you a weekly “announcement” regarding the week’s learning activities, assignments and due dates through UVACollab which will link to your UVA email account. I will respond to any emails usually within 24 hours, but no later than within 48 hours.


Assignments and Learning Activities: Please review the Course Schedule and Activities section of this syllabus for general course assignment and activities as well as due dates.  This information is also easily accessible under the Activities section of UVACollab.


Resources:  Course Materials are available on UVACollab at the site address noted above: ( Materials are included for each class session and general materials for the course.