Syllabus for Roster(s):
- 13F EDIS 3881-001 (EDUC)
- 13F EDIS 3881-002 (EDUC)
- 13F EDIS 3881-003 (EDUC)
In the UVaCollab course site: EDIS 3881 Fall 2013
Course Description
Completion of the 3881 Field Experience is a fundamental requirement of completing the MT program in Elementary Education. Similarly, completion of EDIS 8985 Tutoring Practicum is a critical element in the master's of reading program. The Field Experience/Practicum is designed to provide students the opportunity to (a) develop assessment skills, (b) interpret assessment data to consider instructional goals, and (c) build instructional skills through weekly tutoring sessions. An informal case-based approach is used in this practicum in which students gain hands-on experience in collaborative planning and receive supervisor feedback on implementation.