Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 15F CPLT 3590-001 (CGAS)
  • 15F GETR 3590-001 (CGAS)
In the UVaCollab course site:   crime pays

Full Syllabus

Course Schedule:  The dates below refer to the dates on which the items will be discussed.  You must have the reading finished before the discussion begins, unless we agree otherwise.


25-27 Aug,                              Hammett

1-3 Sep.                                   Hoffmann

8-10 Sep.                                 Brecht, Threepenny Opera

15-17 Sep.                               Dürrenmatt, The Physicists

17 Sep.                                    Assignment of first paper topic

22 Sep. – 1 Oct.                      Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment

8-15 Oct.                                 Conrad, The Secret Agent

15 Oct.                                                First paper due

20-22 Oct.                               Sayers, Murder Must Advertise

27-29 Oct.                               Allingham, Tiger in the Smoke

29 Oct.                                                Final paper topic due

3-10 Nov.                                Poe, the three Dupin stories

12-19 Nov.                              Melville, The Confidence-Man

24 Nov. – 8 Dec.                     Viewing and discussion of films:  Rififi; I Soliti ignoti (Big Deal     on Madonna Street); and at least one American crime movie.