Thdl Community About Us

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About Us: Participants in THL Tibetan and Himalayan Community Portal

Please see Tibetan And Himalayan Community Resources Editorial Board for details on the board overseeing the development of the Community section of THL.

We are actively seeking participants in these initiatives. Please note that participation in the THL Community portal does not entail working with THL or using THL for anything else. The Tibetan and Himalayan Community Portal is a service published by THL, but its content and participants should represent the full spectrum of people, organizations, projects, and resources relating to Tibet and the Himalayans, of which THL is just one small component.

Our focus is on agents involved with knowledge - creating new knowledge, disseminating knowledge, using knowledge to benefit local communities - whether that knowledge is about Tibet and the Himalayans, is created by Tibetan and Himalayan people, or is intended for the use of Tibetan and Himalayan communities. Thus we especially invite individuals and organizations involved with such knowledge to participate. However, the Community Portal is also concerned with knowledge about Tibetan communities and any activities and organizations working therein. Thus the Community Portal's scope is universal in that sense - any information on Tibetan communities and those working therein is knowledge that we are theoretically concerned to record and make available.

Below we detail organizations that have made a core commitment not just to THL as a publisher, or THL collaborative resources, but to using and participating in THL with a strong focus on benefiting local communities in Tibet and the Himalayas. If you would like to be such a core participating, please contact us at <a class="safe-contact" href="javascript:linkTo_UnCryptMailto('nbjmup;uimAdpmmbc/jud/wjshjojb/fev');"><img src="/global/images/contact/contact-thl.gif" /></a>.

Core Organizations

external link: Columbia University

external link: Cornell University

external link: Machik

external link: Rabsal

external link: University of Virginia

external link: Winrock

Provided for unrestricted use by the external link: Tibetan and Himalayan Library