Applying The First Word Styles

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Applying the First Word Styles

Contributor(s): David Germano, Steven Weinberger.

The entire contents of your essay should now be in the file you renamed (in our example, jiats-smith.doc), in Times Extended Roman font (or Gentium font for Mac users). You are now ready to apply a small number of Word styles!

How to Apply Microsoft Word Styles

1. With your mouse, highlight the text to which you want to apply the Word style.

2. Click on the “Style” drop-down window in the tool bar at the top of your document. The name of the current style should display in the window. Begin typing the name of the style and it will automatically jump down the list to that style. You can also use the scroll bar to navigate to the desired style. Once you are at the desired style, click on it and the style will be applied to the highlighted text. You can also type the abbreviation of the style in the style window followed by a comma and then hit the enter key; this will apply the style. Example: to apply the Footnote Text style, type “ftxt,” in the style window and hit enter.

2. You should also be able to activate the styles window with the keystroke control-shift+s. You will know that the window is activated because the name of the style appearing in the window will turn blue. Once the window is activated you can either type in the name of the style or its abbreviation, or you can manually scroll to the desired style.

3. Alternative: you can open the styles box by clicking on the icon of a double capital letter A immediately to the left of the style drop-down window or by pulling down the “Format” menu and clicking on “Styles and Formatting.” This will open the styles box. You then select the style as detailed above. You can keep the style box open as you work on the Word document for ease of use.

4. To determine what Word style is already applied to text: for character styles, highlight the text and the name of the Word style will appear in the Style window. For paragraph styles, click anywhere in the paragraph that does not have a character Word style applied to it and the name of the Word style will appear in the Style window. For more information on Word styles, see Using Microsoft Word Styles.

Note: most Word styles will display with some type of formatting, such as a different color font. Do not apply any other formatting to text in a Word style because the formatting you manually apply will not be converted to XML.

Apply Paragraph Word Styles

The first step in preparing your essay is to apply the correct Word style at the paragraph level. This creates the structure of the essay (paragraphs, lists, indented citations, and so forth).

1. Select (that is, highlight) the text of the entire essay with the exception of the footnotes/endnotes and Bibliography and apply the Word style Normal,no (see the section immediately above on How to Apply Microsoft Word Styles).

2. Select the text of all the footnotes/endnotes and apply the appropriate Word style. For endnotes: apply the Word style endnote text. For footnotes: apply the Word style Footnote Text, ftxt. Note: to apply the Footnote Text style if it does not appear in the list of styles, activate the Styles box and type “Footnote Text” and then hit “enter.”

3. Select the text of the entire Bibliography section and apply the Word style Bibliographic Entry,be.

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