Thl Collab Worksites

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THL Collaborative Worksites

Contributor(s): David Germano

The collaborative nature of work by THL relies on worksites hosted by the University of Virginia under the brand name “Collab,” which is an implementation of the higher education Sakai initiative. Each worksite has a specific focus – dictionaries, JIATS, etc. – and provides a standard set of tools for the subscribers to use (mailing lists, resource upload/download, discussion forums, wiki, etc.). Once you log into “Collab,” all the worksites you are subscribed to will appear on the top navigation bar, and you can easily move back and forth between the various sites. These worksites are also used for hosting THL’s various mailing lists, including its update list. If you want to subscribe, contact us at <a class="safe-contact" href="javascript:linkTo_UnCryptMailto('nbjmup;uimAdpmmbc/jud/wjshjojb/fev');"><img src="/global/images/contact/contact-thl.gif" /></a>. Please put “join XXX Collab Worksite” in the subject so that we can efficiently process the request. If at any point you want to unsubscribe, send an email to the same address with “remove me from XXX Collab Worksite” in the subject line.

To register for the THL News Updates mailing list, you may external link: subscribe via this form..


About THL: to facilitate working on public information pages for the Tibetan & Himalayan Library which have content that needs continual updating. Examples are “how to use THL,” or the various status pages.

AV-THL: for facilitating collaboration and coordination for all individuals working in association with THL on audio-video recordings and titles.

Canons: to support communication and collaboration among partners in THL’s Tibetan Canons project.

GIS-THL: for facilitation of collaboration amongst those involved with building THL’s Cultural Geography site, including the Historical GIS of Tibet and the Himalayans project.

Images-THL: for people working on processing and cataloging photographs used in THL.

JIATS: for coordinating editorial work on the Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies (JIATS).

JIATS Publication Updates: external link: Subscribe This list is to send news alerts on the latest issues of the Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies (JIATS). Register if you want to receive notices when a new issue of JIATS is published.

Medicine-THL: for projects relating to Tibetan medicine at the Tibetan and Himalayan Library.

Old THDL: used to track progress on migrating content from the old THL site to the new THL published web sites, including storing the files for reference.

Repository for THL: functions as a general institutional repository for the Tibetan & Himalayan Library so that files used in various worksites have a single consistence site of storage. Because of copyright issues, access is highly limited.

THL Research Lab: intended to offer a guide and links to the core online databases that can be used to create new knowledge and data within THL.

THL Updates Mailing List: external link: Subscribe to the the Tibetan and Himalayan Library's (THL) News Update list. It is used only by THL’s directors and staff to send occasional updates. These updates will provide an overview of new developments in the websites and services that THL publishes. No one but THL’s central administration can send email messages to the list.

Tibet Tour Info (Ch): the Chinese language version of Tibet Tourism Information for the Tibetan Geotourism Portal.

Tibet Tourism Info: for creating content on logistics of tourism in Tibet for the Tibetan Geotourism Portal.

Tibetan Literature-THL: for supporting coordination and communication among scholars and staff working in THL on Tibetan literature cataloging and text input.

Tibetan Script: a list intended for communication upon experts on all issues pertaining to Tibetan script in general, and in computing environments. This includes the implementation of Unicode Tibetan and translation of computing interfaces into Tibetan language, such as for Open Office or Linux. It is limited to individuals with specialized knowledge and interest in such issues, and is not for casual interest. It is NOT limited to THL participants, however, and we welcome any one with specialized background to join. This includes both technologists working intensively on the use of Tibetan script in computers and scholars with strong backgrounds in Tibetan scripts.&nbsp; The general, though not exclusive, focus is on a collaborative and open-ended project to document Tibetan scripts.

Tibetan Studies: collaborative space for Tibetan Studies scholars. It offers various resources - Announcements, Mailing List, Resource Upload/Download, Schedule and WIKI for Tibetan Studies scholars around the world to communicate and collaborate. If you are interested to join, write us with a brief sketch of your relevant scholarly credentials. If you have reason to expect that you will be known to us, this can be as simple as referring to your position; otherwise please tell us the essentials. The site is open to professors, graduate students, and independent scholars/translators. It is not open to people without scholarly knowledge or background.


5th Dalai Lama: or Kurtis Schaeffer’s initiative at integrating digital texts of classical Tibetan-language biographies with dynamic maps, timelines, social network visualizations, and images to present the lives of the Dalai Lamas of Tibet.

Amdo: to faciliate work among team members on the Amdo cultural region within the THL.

Architecture-THL: for architectural research in THL.

Art-THL: for facilitating coordination and communication among THL-affiliated projects on Tibetan art.

Bellezza Arch Sites: for John Bellezza’s THL Project on archaeological sites in Western and Northern Tibet.

Bhutan: to support communication and collaboration among participants building the Bhutan Digital Library.

Bibliographies-THL:for creating temporary bibliographies on Tibetan and Himalayan subjects in the WIKI, or storing files in Resources, which will ultimately be migrated over to the Tibetan and Himalayan Library (THL) bibliographical repository.

Canons Board: for communication and sharing with the board of THL’s Tibetan Canons Board.

Community-TDL: for facilitating the coordination and collaboration amongst partners working on community development initiatives in Tibet and the Himalayas.

Contemporary Tibetans: used to create biographies of contemporary Tibetans from all walks of life.

CTR-Governance: devoted to the Sustainable Governance in Tibet project.

Dallith: for faciliating collaboration and communication among members of the Dallith Team, which is dedicated to archiving and disseminating digital linguistic data for Tibetan and Himalayan languages. Dictionaries-THL This worksite is for facilitating communication, coordination, and collaborative research for individuals interested in Tibetan dictionaries with a focus on THL’s rich historical dictionary of the Tibetan language. It also does that for THL’s Himalayan Dictionaries work.

Economy-THL: for economic research on Tibet

Education-THL: for collaborators in THL's published educational resources and projects.

Encyclopedias-THL: for promoting coordination, collaboration, and communication among people contributing to the Encyclopedias of Tibet and the Himalayas published within THL.

Environment-THL: for environmental research in THL.

GIS-TaskForce: for key content people in historical GIS of Tibet project to communicate, such that it is chiefly used for the mailing list.

History-THL: for Tibetan History in THL.

Kham: to faciliate work among team members on the Kham cultural region within the THL.

Kham Library: to support partners involved in the Kham Cultural Library project located in Lhagong, Kham.

Law & Legal Culture: supporting collaborators interested in all issues pertaining to law in contemporary Tibet and traditional Tibetan legal culture, as well as archiving pertinent documents, images, scholarship, and other resources.

Lhasa : for facilitating research on the City of Lhasa.

Library-ITC-THL: for supporting collaborative work between the UVa Library and the Tibetan and Himalayan Library initiative.

Monasteries-THL: for facilitating coordination and communication for THL’s Tibetan Monasteries project.

Nyingma: for collaboration and communication among scholars working on research on the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism.

Oral Traditions: for facilitating coordination and communication amongst participants in THL’s Tibetan Oral Traditions project.

Participatory Work: dedicated to participants in the Tibetan Participatory Knowledge Initiative.

Places-THL: for collaborators building content about Places in Tibet and the Himalayas.

Quandu-THL: to help plan and execute the transition of the Tibetan and Himalayan Library’s web site from to

Reference-THL: for collaboration and coordination amongst partners in THL’s Reference projects - dictionary, Encyclopedia, etc.

SET: for supporting the Scholars Engaging Tibet network. Staff Welcome to THL’s Staff Workspace. This site is used for THL staff to help share resources, communicate, and work together better. It has a Calendar for THL events, allows for uploading and downloading of files, and has discussion forum and chat room for discussions.

Tantra: for research into tantra.

Tibetan Community Library: for people working on the Tibetan Community Library (TCL), a project sponsored by UVa and Machik to use THL technology to create a Tibetan language library run and used by Tibetans in particular, or anyone else fluent in the Tibetan language.

THL Board: for supporting coordination and communication among the board of directors for THL.

THL Core Staff: used primarily for a mailing list for for core staff in THL to do daily communications.

Tibet’s List: for people to post jobs and other opportunities relating to Tibet and Tibetans, especially that involve people or contexts from outside of Tibetan communities. This is just an idea based upon the success of “Craig’s List” in the USA, but so far has not been launched.

Tibetan Grammar: resources for the study of Tibetan Grammar.

Tibetan Inscriptions: for the study of Tibetan inscriptions

TibetanLanguage-THL: for the creation of language instructional and reference materials for Tibetan within the framework of the Tibetan and Himalayan Library.

Tibetpedia: for supporting coordination and communication among those involved in creating the Tibetan language “TibetPedia” project within THL devoted to using WIKI technology to creating an Encyclopedia for and by Tibetans.

Toolbox: for developing and maintaining documentation on tools, systems, and processes for the development, modification, and use of THL resources.

Tourism Fiscal: to support the Tibet Tourism initiative in terms of planning.

Tourism Research: for tourism research.

Tourism Workshops: for organization of Tibetan Tourism Workshops.

Provided for unrestricted use by the external link: Tibetan and Himalayan Library