Tselpa Kagyü (tshal Pa Bka' Brgyud)

The Tselpa Kagyü Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism (ཚལ་པ་བཀའ་བརྒྱུད་) from the THL Tibetan Religions and Sects Encyclopedia


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The Tselpa (tshal pa) order is named after the Tsel (tshal) region, and in turn Tsel Gungtang Monastery (tshal gung thang). In fact there were two monasteries located next door to each other, and each founded by Lama Zhang (bla ma zhang), aka Zhangtselpa Tsöndrü Drakpa (zhang tshal pa brtson 'grus grags pa). Lama Zhang was a disciple of Dakpo Gomtsül (dwags po sgom tshul, 1116?-1169), also known as Öngom Tsültrim Nyingpo (dbon sgom tshul khrims snying po), who was himself a nephew of Gampopa. (David Germano – June 21, 2004)

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