The master catalog of The Collected Tantras of the Ancients (rnying ma rgyud ’bum) will include every text found within one or more of the specific editions. Texts included in several editions will be completely cross-referenced and their bibliographic information from the different editions compiled into a single master record. Since this will be a purely electronic edition, the master catalog will of course have no “volumes” and hence lack any “volume” references. Instead, its organization will be solely based on doxographical classifications: (i) the first layer being the tripartite division into Atiyoga, Anuyoga and Mahāyoga; (ii) the second layer being divisions of each of those three; and (iii) the third layer being subdivisions of those divisions in turn. The present master catalog is based on the sDe dge edition and uses its organizational structure, as that edition is the most well organized. However, even that scheme has some idiosyncrasies and will need to be modified over the coarse of time through on-going scholarly input. The following is a more-consistent, generalized version of the master doxographical scheme, with English translations: