Workflow Process > Web Page Size And Web Site Speed > Linking To Wiki Pages Used As Thl Content > Directories And File Names For Tiff And Jpg Files

THL Toolbox > Developers' Zone > Web Development > Directories and File Names for TIFF and JPG Files

Directories and File Names for TIFF and JPG Files

Contributor(s): Mark Ferrara, Than Grove

The vast majority of JPGs should come from the MMS. However, if you have a TIFF file of an image, follow these instructions:

  1. Locate the image you want to use (say from the image database) and

open it in PhotoShop

  1. In the /images folder where the image will ultimately go (e.g.,

encyclopedias/literary/images) create an "/originals" folder

  1. Save the original image in the "/originals" folder as a .TIFF

file, using the image's ID number from the image database as its name.

  1. Crop and resize the image to the desired height and width but do

not save it yet.

  1. Using the "Save for Web" option, save the image as a .JPG file,

setting the "Quality" to somewhere between 65 and 75 (out of 100%); for some images, set this at 80. Each image is different depending on color intensity and hues so attending to editing individually can save 10's of kilobytes on a single page. The file name should be the image ID plus some short descriptive text.

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