Frontend Javascript Solr Communication

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Frontend JavaScript Solr Communication

All the frontend communication that happens through JavaScript and needs to obtain data form Solr goes through the SolrUtils library. This library is located in kmaps_engine at the following path:


We pass the configuration files through a DOM element. Usually, a <div>. For example:

<%= content_tag :div, "", id: 'menu_js_data', data: {
 term_index: Feature.config.url,
 asset_index: ShantiIntegration::Source.config.url,
 feature_id: uid,
 domain: Feature.uid_prefix,
 perspective: current_perspective.code,
 tree: Feature.uid_prefix,
 features_path: ((defined?(admin) && admin) ? admin_features_path+"/ID" : features_path+"/ID"),
 mandala_path: "",
 feature_fid: uid,
 language: Language.current.code
} %>

Once we have all the required configuration data, we can obtain that information from JavaScript and initialise our SolrUtils object.

var menuSolrUtils = kmapsSolrUtils.init({
    termIndex: $('#menu_js_data').data('termIndex'),
    assetIndex: $('#menu_js_data').data('assetIndex'),
    featureId: $('#menu_js_data').data('featureId'),
    domain: $('#menu_js_data').data('domain'),
    perspective: $('#menu_js_data').data('perspective'),
    tree: $('#menu_js_data').data('tree'), //places
    featuresPath: $('#menu_js_data').data('featuresPath'),

Notice that the data entries in JavaScript have been changed form snake_case to camelCase

To see a full example check the implementation of the flyout tree and typeahead. It is located in KMaps Engine under the partial _menu.html.erb.

Provided for unrestricted use by the external link: Tibetan and Himalayan Library