
THDL Toolbox > THL Technologies & Open Standards > Technologies For Dummies > GIS

What is GIS?


Simple Introduction to GIS

GIS refers to building spatial databases which provide latitude and longitude ("georeferencing") for every item within the databases. GIS software allows one to query these databases, and then output the results in digital maps that combine various types of information. For example, one might query what temples are within five miles of lakes that are over six square kilometers in size. The results could then be shown as highlighted selections against a backdrop of a digital map showing environmental land types, and administrative units. Our project's long term plan integrates three major types of resources: GIS databases, multimedia documentation of Tibetan places and events, and textual ethno-historical analysis of Tibetan places and events. The present page details our research on GIS databases, including their on-line presenation with interactive capacities.

How is GIS being used in THDL?


How Can I Explore GIS Further?


This page is provided courtesy of the external link: Tibetan and Himalayan Digital Library.