How To Call Particular Pages In The Thdl Toolbox

THDL Toolbox > Developers' Zone > Web-Development > THDL Toolbox Markup > How to Call Particular Pages

Making Calls to Particular pages in Toolbox

Contributor(s): Than Grove

There are two ways to have a particular page appear in the right-side IFrame. You can either call the page that is encoded in the XML file by using its <div>'s ID attribute or you can call any wiki page by using the pages public URL without the prefix "".

Calling a Page Using the ID Attribute

If the page is part of the XML hierarchy in the toolbox.xml file, then you can use that <div>'s ID attribute in the URL by appending "?id=thdl####" to the Toolbox's URL. For instance, the ID for the <div> for "Creating Instructional Units" is "thdl1173728163652". To link to the Toolbox and have that page appear, the URL would be external link: The same applies to any page encoded in the XML hierarchy.

Calling a Page Using its Collab URL

Pages that are not encoded in the XML hierarchy can be made to appear within the toolbox IFrame by using the pages public URL minus the "" prefix. Instead, one should put the URL for the toolbox with "?pg=" and then the shortened URL for the public page. However, any spaces in the public URL, which usually occur in the page name, need to be replaced by the caret (^) and any ampersands (&) in the URL have to be changed to asterisks (*). For instance, the address for the page for the Tibetan Machine Web font is not in encoded in the XML hierachy. It's public page is at external link: external link: To have this appear in the toolbox page, the link would be external link:;machine&#94;web.html

And the Toolbox call for Updating Uniscribe for Tibetan in Windows 2000 & XP is: external link:;uniscribe&#94;for&#94;tibetan&#94;in&#94;windows&#94;2000&#94;&#42;&#94;xp.html

Provided for unrestricted use by the external link: Tibetan and Himalayan Digital Library