Installation For Tibetan Translation Tool

THL Toolbox > Reference > Dictionaries > Tibetan Translation Tool > Installation for Tibetan Translation Tool

Installation for Tibetan Translation Tool

Contributor(s): Andres Montano, David Germano


The Tibetan Translation Tool can be used external link: online on THL without any installation. However, advanced functionality – such as typing in Tibetan script instead of roman script transliteration – is available with a simple installation.

It is also possible to install the software on your own computer and then run the Tibetan Translation Tool offline without an Internet connection. To do so, you must install the software, and also put a copy of the dictionaries onto your computer for the software to access.

The present page provides instructions for both of these installations. The sections include:

Installation Packages

NOTE: as of January 2013, we are updating our installation packages. For both Mac and Windows, please follow these instructions:

  1. Download and install the Tibetan Machine Web fonts
  2. IMPORTANT! Install/update Java to current version (if you are updating Java, first uninstall previous versions and then install the latest version)
  3. Download the external link: dictionary bundle, unzip it, and move the folder somewhere on your hard drive.
  4. Save this file external link: DictionarySearchStandalone.jar to the folder that the dictionary bundle is in.
  5. Double-click on the DictionarySearchStandalone.jar file; this will launch the application.
  6. After the Translation Tool dialog box opens, select "Access a local dictionary"; click "Browse" and navigate to the folder of the dictionary bundle you put on your hard drive and select the file thl.wrd and then click "OK." The Translation Tool will now open. If the application itself opens when you double-click the DictionarySearchStandalone.jar file, then pull down the File menu, click Open, and follow the directions beginning with selecting "Access a local dictionary."
  7. The Translation Tool should now run offline. To test, quit the Translation Tool application, disconnect from the internet, and relaunch the Translation Tool.
  8. You can make a shortcut of the DictionarySearchStandalone.jar file and move it to your desktop or wherever else you might want it.

Choose the one that fits your digital context. For online use only, try #1; for offline use as well, try #2, though please note it requires separate downloading of the dictionary content. Please note that installers #3 and #4 (not currently working) are comprehensive installers including the dictionary content, but only work for Windows. Windows users should first try one of those packages since they offer a single step process rather than separate installation of the software and content.

Operating SystemPrerequisitesVersionAccess
1. Any platform with an Internet browser (does not run offline).1. Internet connection
2. Tibetan Machine Uni fonts to display Tibetan script.
external link: Online Servlet Version. Simply click.
Runs inside browser. Best for quick usage from anywhere without having to install anything.
Can access on-line dicts.
2. MAC OS X/ Windows 98/ Me/ NT/ 2000/ XP/ 2003/ 7, Solaris (SPARC and Intel), Linux/i486, (installation requires internet).1. external link: Java
2. Tibetan Machine Web fonts
external link: Web Start Application
Simply click. Automatically keeps up-to-date.
external link: Download dictionary bundle separately for offline use. Can access on-line dicts.
3. Windows 98/ Me/ NT/ 2000/ XP/ 2003 (installation requires internet).No pre-installed software required.
Internet is needed to run translation tool for the first time.
external link: All-In-One Online Installer. Download and run.
Automatically keeps up-to-date.
Includes dictionary bundle for off-line use.
Can access on-line dicts.
4. Windows 98/ Me/ NT/ 2000/ XP/ 2003 (installation without internet).No pre-installed software required.
Install this where internet is not available.
external link: All-In-One Offline Installer.
Download and run.
Includes dictionary bundle for off-line use.
Can access on-line dicts.
5. Pocket PC / Mobile Handheld Deviceexternal link: WebSphere Everyplace Micro Environment Personal Profile 1.0.Translation Tool Handheld version.
Download and run. external link: Desktop installer runs in Windows desktop connecting to Pocket PC.
external link: Cab installer runs in handheld device.
external link: Dictionary bundle downloaded separately. Can access on-line dicts.
6. Any platform supporting Sun's JRE 1.5 or higher.1. external link: Sun's JRE v. 1.5
2. external link: Tibetan Machine Web fonts
Stand-alone application. See installation notes here.external link: Dictionary bundle downloaded separately.
Can access on-line dicts.
7. Any platform supporting Sun's JRE 1.2 or higher.1. external link: Sun's JRE v. 1.5
2. external link: Tibetan Machine Web fonts
external link: Applet version. Simply click.
Runs inside a browser.
Can access on-line dicts.

Supported Platforms

The tool is available as a:

  • Java servlet (using Roman script for input and Tibetan script for output)

The text is typed (or pasted) using external link: Extended Wylie in a text box within a form. All of the processing is done on the server, and the results are returned in plain HTML. This allows the user to run this version on even the most basic browser without needing any additional software installed. Also, because the results are returned in HTML, features of HTML like hyperlinks, tables, and text formatting allow it to be skimmed more easily. The user can choose between seeing the Tibetan within the results in Extended Wylie or in Tibetan script external link: using the Tibetan Machine Web font. external link: Click here to run the java servlet version.

  • Java Web Start application & stand-alone application (using Tibetan script for both input and output)

This version can be used using Roman script (in external link: Extended Wylie) or in Tibetan script external link: using the Tibetan Machine Web font. When display is set to Tibetan script multiple keyboard methods of entry are supported: Extended Wylie, TCC Keyboard #1, TCC Keyboard #2, and Sambhota Keymap One. As text is typed the user sees it directly in the Tibetan script.

Additionally, in Tibetan script mode an advanced pasting system is supported. Text either in Tibetan script (implemented using Tibetan Machine Web or Tibetan Machine) or Roman script (using Extended Wylie or ACIP's transliteration system) can copied from almost any application and pasted into the Translation Tool's input pane. Its format is automatically recognized and properly converted if necessary.

The application can run off-line accessing local dictionaries or if connection to the Internet is available it can access the on-line dictionary databases. If a remote database is being accessed, all the processing is done on the server side, and the results are displayed interactively within the program's window. Again the user can choose to see the results in Extended Wylie or in the Tibetan script.

Easy launching of the application can be done over the Internet using external link: Java Web Start, which comes with external link: Sun's Java Runtime Environment version 1.5 or higher. This is the recommended way to run the tool. If Java Web Start is not supported the stand-alone application can be used on any environment supporting the Sun's Java Runtime Environment version 1.5 or higher. external link: Click here to run the java web start version. Click here for installation notes on the stand-alone application version.

  • Java applet (using Tibetan script for both input and output)

The applet's interface is almost identical to the Java Web Start application & stand-alone application's interface with the only difference that it runs within a browser. The browser not only needs to support Java, but since the classes that handle the Tibetan font use Swing, external link: Sun's Java Runtime Environment version 1.5 or higher must additionally be installed. external link: Click here to run the java applet version.

  • Handheld devices

This version is specially designed for handhelds supporting external link: WebSphere Everyplace Micro Environment Personal Profile 1.0 or higher. Since Swing is not available for such platforms, Tibetan script is not supported. Click here for installation notes on the handheld device version.

Text Sample

Test this utility by following these steps:

1. Copy into the clipboard the following prayer (select it by dragging the mouse over it and then click on the menu edit - copy):

dpal ldan bla ma dam pa rnams la skyabs su mchi'o /
yi dam dkyil 'khor gyi lha tshogs rnams la skyabs su mchi'o /
sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das rnams la skyabs su mchi'o /
dam pa'i chos rnams la skyabs su mchi'o /
'phags pa'i dge 'dun rnams la skyabs su mchi'o /
dpa' bo mkha' 'gro chos skyong srung ma'i tshogs ye shes kyi
spyan dang ldan pa rnams la skyabs su mchi'o /

2. When the Online Tibetan Scanner page loads:

  • Paste the clipboard on the text box (click on the text box and then click on the menu edit - paste).
  • Select the dictionaries you want the utility to use.
  • Click on scan button.

3. Try it out! To load the Online Tibetan to English Translation / Dictionary Tool page external link: click here.

Installation of the Stand-alone Version

The stand-alone version can be used for platforms were Java Web Start is not supported or for specialized use of the different classes offered in it.

Installation on laptops & desktops

  • Install Sun's JRE v. 1.5 (external link: download here) or higher, if available for the platform where you want to run the tool. Otherwise get the latest version available making sure to avoid the problematic versions.
  • Add the bin subfolder of Sun's JRE folder to the path. For example, if you installed the Sun's JRE to c:jrejdk1.5.0 then:

For DOS based systems like Windows 95, 98, and ME:

  • Open autoexec.bat in a text editor (like notepad). It should be located in "c:". If it isn't there, create a new file with that name. (Note: Sometimes Windows is configured to hide the system files. See the documentation included with Windows on how to disable this option).
  • At the end of the path variable line add a semicolon (;), which separates the different folders, and then the bin folder (in the example: c:jrejdk1.5.0bin). The line would then look something like:
    set path=c:windowscommand;c:jrejdk1.5.0bin
  • Restart the computer.

For NT based systems like Windows 2000:

  • Log in with a user that has administrative privileges
  • With the mouse right click on My Computer, and select properties.
  • In the System Properties select the Advanced tab
  • Click on the Environment Variables button.
  • Click on the variable path under System Variables.
  • Click the Edit… button.
  • In the text box, add a semicolon (;) at the end of the list, which separates the different folders, and then the bin folder (in the example: c:jrejdk1.5.0bin).
  • Click on OK to close each of the windows that were open.
  • Create a folder for the Tibetan Translation Tool and copy DictionarySearchStandalone.jar for desktops (external link: download here), which contains all of the compiled classes.
  • If you have downloaded the dictionary database (see available dictionaries) skip this step. To convert the Tibetan glossaries you have (stored in text files) into a dictionary database format accepted by the Tibetan Translation Tool you can (i) use the wizard window or (ii) the BinaryFileGenerator class included within the org.thdl.tib.scanner package in DictionarySearchStandalone.jar. See below which formats are compatible with the tool. For example, if you own external link: The Rangjung Yeshe Tibetan-English Dictionary of Buddhist Culture:
    • Temporarily copy the dictionary text file (probably called something like ry-dic99.txt) into the folder where you stored the DictionarySearchStandalone.jar file.
    • Through the shell (or DOS prompt) run the command:
      java -cp DictionarySearchStandalone.jar org.thdl.tib.scanner.BinaryFileGenerator ry-dic99
      This will generate ry-dic99.wrd and ry-dic99.def, which will be used by the Tibetan Translation Tool.
  • If you have several dictionaries, you should convert them all at the same time.
    • For example, if you additionally have myglossary_uma.txt and myglossary_rdzogs-chen.txt and you want to produce alldicts.wrd and alldicts.def, run the command (don't include extensions; their extension is assumed to be .txt):
      java -cp DictionarySearchStandalone.jar org.thdl.tib.scanner.BinaryFileGenerator alldicts ry-dic99 myglossary_uma myglossary_rdzogs-chen
    • Then you must create manually (through a text editor like notepad) a .dic file which include the names and abbreviations of each dictionary. Make sure to not leave a blank line at the end! In this example, you would create a file called alldicts.dic with the following possible content:Rangjung Yeshe,RY; Glossary of Middle Way vocabulary,GMW; Glossary of rDzogs Chen vocabulary,GDZC
  • Delete the temporary copy of the dictionary text file from the Tibetan Translation Tool folder.
  • Use the Tibetan Dictionary Tool! To specify which dictionary database to open, you can (i) use the wizard window or specify the file name for the dictionary database through the command line. For example, if you have already created ry-dic99.wrd and ry-dic99.def
    • If the JRE you installed supports Swing classes, run the command (or create a script or .bat file containing)
      java -jar DictionarySearchStandalone.jar ry-dic99
    • If the JRE you installed does not supports Swing classes, run the command (or create a script or .bat file containing)
      java -jar DictionarySearchStandalone.jar -simple ry-dic99

Installation on Pocket PC (version 2002 or higher) / Mobile (version 2003 or higher) handheld devices

  • Install external link: WebSphere Everyplace Micro Environment Personal Profile 1.0 for Windows Mobile 2003 into the default folder. Sorry, I didn't find any compatible freeware Java Runtime Environment for windows ce; if you find one please let me know! The good news is that it is very cheap (only $5.99).
  • Install the Translation Tool Handheld version using
  • If on step 1 you installed another Java Runtime Environment (JRE), make sure to change the Translation Tool.lnk short-cut file in programs in order to point to the correct binary file and path of the JRE.
  • The .wrd, .def, and .dic dictionary files are not created directly on the handheld device because of memory and speed limitations. If you wish to create it, do it through the Java Web start application on your desktop / laptop.
  • By clicking on the Translation Tool short-cut in your handheld device under start -> programs. The Translation Tool is compatible with landscape or portait orientations of the screen (you need othe third party tools to change the screen orientation). The wizard window will be automatically opened. There you can select which dictionary database to open. In this case the dictionary database must be copied to any folder under /my documents in order for it to be found.
  • Choose edit -> preferences… to customize the display. Notice that depending on the screen orientation, the options are different and are saved separately. Choose edit -> save preferences to … to save any preferences that you have changed.
  • For easy access you can have the Translation Tool short-cut directly on the start menu. You can configure this through the operating system. Go to start -> settings -> menus. Select the Translation Tool checkbox and click ok. Note: Since Personal Profile 1.0 does not support Swing classes (because it is based on JDK 1.1.8's specification), Tibetan script is not supported.

Provided for unrestricted use by the external link: Tibetan and Himalayan Library