Markup Of A Catalog

THL Toolbox > Tibetan Texts > Cataloging a Tibetan Text > Markup of a Collection Catalog

Markup of a Collection Catalog

Contributor(s): THL Staff.

Creating the General Structure

A catalog collection should be marked up in XML using the external link: GDMS dtd. Such a catalog can be created relatively automatically using a THL Word macro. Here's how to run the macro:

  1. You will need to have already converted the Word bibliographic tables into TIBBIBL XML documents.
  2. You will need to have the Word document called CatalogProcessing.doc, which probably was used to create the individual TIBBIBL files. If you don't have it, it can be downloaded external link: here.
  3. Then, make sure all the Word docs that are the bibl records are organized in individual folders named "V01", etc. This is not absolutely necessary but should help in processing.
  4. Place the "CatalogProcessing.doc" in the parent folder of those volumes.
  5. Open the "CatalogProcessing.doc" and from it's "Catalog Conversion" menu choose the option "Create Edition File".
  6. The macro will ask you for the following information:

  1. The full name of the edition
  2. The sigla for the edition
  3. The name you want to give the resulting XML file
  4. The number of volume in the edition
  5. Then for each volume it will ask you to select the particular XML TIBBIBL records for that volume

The macro will then create a basic GDMS file for the catalog. This can be augmented by adding further metadata including other language versions of the Title, the author information and so forth.

You will need to add the elements for the THL breadcrumbs in the following pattern:

<identifier type="breadcrumbs"> <indexterm label="Domain" type="domain"> <extref href="" targettype="html"> Collections </extref> </indexterm> </identifier>

Follow the same pattern for "Portal", "Project", and "Home" where each subsequent one is the child breadcrumb of the proceding and "Home" being the parent page for the catalog. The middle two - portal and project - do not need to be used if there are not intermediary levels. The last of the indext terms should be one for the catalog itself, the "Self" indexterm should look like this:

<indexterm label="Self" type="self">Collected Writings of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche</indexterm>

An example of the XML for a full catalog is found external link: here, although you will have to view the source to see it, if you click on that link.

The GDMS file begins with a <gdms> element that contains a <gdmshead> element for metadata and one <div> element that represents the edition. This <div> has a child <div> for each volume in the edition and each volume <div> has a text <div> for each text it contains.

Markup for Text Resources

Text <div>s are marked up in the following way. Its id attribute is set to sigla-text #, such as "dkcw-2". It has a label attribute for display , such as "Dkcw 2", and its type is "text". It contains a <divdesc> that has a single <mediatype> element set to "text". This is all inserted by the macro. The macro then inserts a single <resgrp> with the <resinc>s for the bibliographic record and the e-text. However, the markup has been changed since the converter was written. This needs to be changed!.

The new markup is to have three types of <resgrp>:

  1. <resgrp type="bibl" label="Bibliographic Record">
  2. <resgrp type="etext" label="Electronic Text">, and
  3. <resgrp type="dl" label="Download">.

The bibl resgrp has only one <resinc> that has the following attributes:

  • href="name of XML file"
  • type="tibbibl"
  • title="Bibliographic Record"

The other two have one or more resincs depending on the resources available. Dilgo Khyentse's Collected Works has two resincs here: one for the Unicode text, and one for the Wylie version. These have the following attributes:

  • href="name of the file resource"
  • type="tei" (for e-texts) "rtf" or "zip" (for downloads)
  • title="Unicode" or "Wylie"

Location of Files

All the bibliographic records and the catalog structure GDMS file should be in the same folder on the site. This would be the root folder for the collection. Within this folder there should be a "dls" folder for downloads, and an "texts" folder for e-texts. The respective files should go in their appropriate folder.

Provided for unrestricted use by the external link: Tibetan and Himalayan Library