Perl Installation Instructions

THL Toolbox > Developers' Zone > Web Development > PERL Installation Instructions

PERL Installation Instructions

Contributor(s): Than Grove, Steven Weinberger

  1. Go to external link:
  2. Download the Windows (x86) .MSI version
  3. Double click on installer, and press "Run"
  4. Click "Next"
  5. Click "I accept terms …" and then click "Next"
  6. On the "Custom Setup" page the default is to install everything. Leave it that way and click "Next"
  7. Click "Install"
  8. Keep both "Add Perl to PATH environment variable" and "Create Perl file extension association" checked; click "next"
  9. After it is installed, close the command line dialog, open a new command line dialog box, and type perl -v; this should return a list of info about perl. That means it is installed

Provided for unrestricted use by the external link: Tibetan and Himalayan Library