Tibetan Environment Encyclopedia Introduction > Pasting Your Essay Into The Template

THL Toolbox > Essays > Pasting Your Essay into the Template

Pasting Your Essay into the Template

Contributor(s): David Germano, Steven Weinberger.

Download the Word Template

  1. Download the external link: JIATS/THL Essay Word template.

Copy Your Essay into the Template

The Word document you just downloaded has the styles you need embedded within it. Thus you have to first copy your essay into this document, so that you can follow the other instructions which involve applying those styles to your text:

  1. Unzip the file you just downloaded, jiats-metadata-table.zip; open the word processing file jiats-metadata-table.doc.
  2. Rename the file, using the “save as” function: pull down the File menu at the top of the document and click on “Save As.” A dialogue box will open; in the “File Name” field, enter the filename using the following format.
    1. For a JIATS article: jiats-yourlastname.doc. Example: if your last name is Smith, use this for the filename: jiats-smith.doc.
    2. For a non-JIATS essay that will be published online by THL: yourlastname-YYYY.doc. Example: if your last name is Jones and the year is 2008, use this for the filename: jones-2008.doc.
  3. Copy the entire contents of your article and paste it into the Word document you just renamed (in our example, jiats-smith.doc), following this procedure to copy the entire contents of your original file:
    1. Click your mouse in the text field of your original document
    2. Select the entire contents of the document, either by the keystroke control+a or by pulling down the Edit menu at the top of the document and clicking on “Select All.” The text will now be highlighted.
    3. Copy the entire contents with the keystroke control+c or by pulling down the Edit menu at the top of the document and clicking on “Copy.”
  4. In the Essay Word template you downloaded and have now renamed (in our example, jiats-smith.doc), place the cursor below the table by clicking on a line below the table.
  5. Paste in the text of your article with the keystroke control+v or by pulling down the Edit menu at the top of the document and clicking on “Paste.”
  6. Save the file.

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