Contributor(s): THL Staff.
An editor first needs to create an SPT user ID and password. This can also be done for them. The user ID should be the first letter of their first name and their last name, with no caps or spaces (example: “jschmoe” for Joe Schmoe). This is important because the user ID identifies for the viewer of the record its creator and editor.
After the user ID and password are created, the editor-in-chief must assign administrative privileges. The editor-in-chief does this by clicking on “Administration: Edit User Account.” There s/he can search for that user, or just “show all users.” S/he can then edit each account and specify whether they can add resources, change classifications, or change option lists. In addition, one can use this to determine which users in general (i.e., non-editors) can “add comments” to bibliographical records.
See the “Administration Help” link under Administration for detailed help on the administrative features. The full list of options is as follows:
Metadata can be managed within Scout Portal through choosing the “Metadata Tool.” By clicking on “Metadata Tool,” a new list of metadata options will appear to the right below. Be careful – they may appear off screen, so that you have to scroll down to see them.
The full list of options are as follows:
1. Add New Controlled Names and Edit Controlled Names allow you to create and edit a list of names for each controlled name field that bibliographers can then call upon when making bibliographical entries (see details immediately above). Clicking on the “Add New Controlled Name” button takes you to a screen where you can type a name to see if it is already in the list, and to then add it if it is not. You don’t have to type in the full name so it is user friendly. You can get a full list of controlled names for a particular field (author/creator, editor, publisher, etc.) by typing in an asterisk or a single space (note: we want to improve the system so it has a “display all” button for these instead of forcing the esoteric use of a space, or at least add an annotation that says “type space to display all choices.” Current controlled name fields are as follows:
2. Edit Option Lists: this allows you to add options to the dropdown menu for a specific field. Select the field to which you want to add options. The program then displays the full list of current options for that field, to which you can add options. Current dropdown option lists are:
3. Add/Edit Classifications: this allows the addition of new classifications at any level in the hierarchy of thematic classifications used for creating a browsing view of the bibliographies. Thus when we talk about a thematic bibliography managed by one person, the “theme” in question is a “classification” managed here. It is more user friendly than the preceding since you get to see the classifications overall as you add in, though at present you can only see one level at a time – there is no expandable/collapsible view. See the program for the full extent of choices that we have set up ourselves. Please note that these classifications will ONLY appear in the browse mode if they have at least one bibliographical entry – otherwise you can only see the full nested hierarchy of classifications in this metadata management view.
Go slow and check your work for problems with spelling, typos, capitalization – verify and be proud of your work.
We never delete announcements. Old announcements gradually move to the bottom of the announcement queue and form an archive.
Our goal is to be able to import from Endnote, but also to be able to export specific bibliographies for use offline. The Scout Portal Toolkit has import/export features but we need to document precisely what they can do.
Each classification has a unique URL so you can easily link from anywhere in THL to a specific classification, such as Medicine, etc.