Php > Vrml

THDL Toolbox > THL Technologies & Open Standards > Technologies For Dummies > VMRL

STATUS, 10 April 2019: Will Rourk says: VRML no longer runs on a Mac and it's very picky about what it needs to run on Windows (SW: Cortona3D needs to be installed, and on Win7 it only runs in Internet Explorer). There have been advances in VRML and X3D lately that I would like to explore some time. There just might be a solution out there. VRML is used in the Meru Nyingpa virtual tour model (in combination with Flash and QTVR). Most of the Flash and VRML are graphical interfaces to the MySQL databases underneath them. Queries to the DB are made via PHP requests executed from interacting with graphical elements in these UIs like buttons or hot linked graphical icons. The last I saw, the PHP and the MySQL were pretty old though I don't recall what versions these are. Of course you can check your server to find out what you're running that currently supports what's live. But it will be helpful to keep this in mind if the intention is to migrate this legacy content.

What is VMRL?

Simple Introduction to VMRL


How is VMRL being used in THDL?


How Can I Explore VMRL Further?


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