<!ELEMENT fclass (authority?)> <!ATTLIST fclass type CDATA #REQUIRED term CDATA #REQUIRED>
This must have the name of a thesaurus and a term from that thesaurus, e.g., <fclass term="autonomous region" type="administrative"/> In this example, the thesaurus is administrativeThesaurus.xml (which starts with <root id="administrative">, it's that root id you're matching on) and the term is "autonomous region", which in the thesaurus looks like this:
<term id="autonomous region"> <text lang="eng">Autonomous Region</text> <text lang="chi" type="chi-simplified" resp="CHGIS" authority="THDL">自治區</text> <text lang="chi" type="pinyin" resp="CHGIS" authority="THDL">zizhiqu</text> <text type="NIMA" resp="THDL">ADM2</text> <definition>Def of Autonomous Region</definition> <bTerm>country</bTerm> </term>
The attribute "type" is for declaring the type of feature the individuals belong to, such as "administrative".
The attribute "term" is for declaring "county", "township", "autonomous region", etc for Administrative types of classes, or "river", "mountain", "plain" for Geophysical types, etc.