
THDL Toolbox > Places & Geography > THDL Gazetteer > Gazetteer DTD Decoded For Dummies > Transliteration Element

Details for the element "transliteration " from the THDL Gazetteer DTD Decoded For Dummies

Definition of the Element

<!ELEMENT transliteration     (geogname, time*, authority?, etymology?,
                         (translation|transliteration|mixed)*, ref*)>
<!ATTLIST transliteration     %a.common;
                        certainty     CDATA                     #IMPLIED
                        entrydate     CDATA                     #IMPLIED
                        isCurrent     (yes|no)                  "yes"
                        scheme        CDATA                     #IMPLIED
                        priority      CDATA                     #IMPLIED
                        resp          CDATA                     #IMPLIED>

Description of the Element

transliteration = When used, indicates the relationship of the particular fname to the primary fname of the feature.

Attributes of the Element

The "certainty" attribute indicates the degree of precision to be attributed to the name - choices are 'high' and 'low'.

The "entrydate" attribute here indicates the date the fname was added to the gazetteer. See %ISODATE for the format.

The "isCurrent" attribute records whether the name is in current use.

The "scheme" attribute indicates the type of transliteration system used.

The "priority" attribute enforces the priority of the names, when multiple fnames are present.

The "resp" attribute is used to record the name of the person responsible for entering the name.

XML Markup Examples


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