

1.      Structure of the Cytochrome b6f Complex of Oxygenic Photosynthesis: Tuning the Cavity. Kurisu, Genji, Zhang, Huamin, Smith, Janet L., Cramer, William A. Science. 302(5647): 1009-1014. 2003.

2.      The Q Cycle of Cytochrome bc Complexes: A Structure Perspective. Cramer, William A., Hasan, Saif S., Yamashita, Eiki. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA). 1807(7): 788-802. 2011.

3.      Structure-Function of the Cytochrome b6f Complex. Baniulis, D., Yamashita, E., Zhang, H., Hasan, S.S., Cramer, W.A. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 84(5): 1349-1358. 2008.

4.      Cytochrome b6f is a Dimeric Protochlorophyll a Binding Complex in Etioplasts. Reisinger, Veronika, Hertle, Alexander P., Ploscher, Matthias, Eichacker, Lutz A. FEBS Journal. 275(18): 1018-1024. 2008.

5.      Knock-Out of the Plastid-encoded PetL Subunit Results in Reduced Stability and Accelerated Leaf Age-Dependent Loss of the Cytochrome b6f Complex. Schottler, Mark A., Flugel, Claudia, Thiele, Wolfram, Bock, Ralph. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 282(2): 976-985. 2006.

6.      An Atypical Haem in the Cytochrome b6f Complex. Stroebel, David, Choquet, Yves, Popot, Jean-Luc, Picot, Daniel. Nature. 426(22): 413-418. 2003.

7.      On the Structural Role of the Aromatic Residue Environment of the Chlorophyll a in the Cytochrome b6f Complex. Yan, Jiusheng, Dashdorj, Naranbaatar, Baniulis, Danas, Yamashita, Eiki, Savikhin, Sergei, Cramer, William A. Biochemistry. 47(2): 3654-3661. 2008.

8.   Holm L, Rosenstrom P (2010) Dali server: conservation mapping in 3D. Nucl. Acids Res. 38, W545-549.