Sec23/Sec24 Superimposition
Sec24 Lacks Arg
GNP Binding Pocket
Sar1 Rotation
Sar1 Secondary Structure
Sar1 Domains
Switch I
Sec23/24 Bowtie Structure
Sec23 Rotation
Sec23 Secondary Structure
Sec23 Domains
Helical Domain
Zn Incorporated by 4 Cys Residues
VFR 181-183 of Sec23
Sec23/24 Interaction Residues
Sar1 P-Loop
T54 and G76 of Sar1
Sec23-Sar1 Subunit Structure (Rotation)
Interaction Patch I (Part 1)
Interaction Patch I (Part 2)
Interaction Patch II
Interaction Patch III (Catalysis)
HXXA (77-80)
Sec31 Extended Polypeptide
Sec31/Sar1 Interaction
WN (922-923)
Phe-380 Mutation