Thdl Collections Status Report > Images Collections Status Report

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Status Report on the Image Collections

Last Updated: November 6, 2011.

We have gathered almost 100,000 diverse images of Tibet and the Himalayas. We have published more than 65,000 images, which are available online.

We have developed a powerful new Media Management (MMS) system to publish the image collections within THL. To access the image collections go to external link: The new MMS system adds a number of powerful new features. First, it provides place-referencing by means of the external link: THL Place Dictionary, so that users can easily consult all the images of a given place. Second, it has a much more fully implemented tagging of images by subject keywords, so that users can easily find affiliated imagess. Third, it offers slide show presentations of specific subjects.

If this status report appears out of date, please contact us at <a class="safe-contact" href="javascript:linkTo_UnCryptMailto('nbjmup;uimAdpmmbc/jud/wjshjojb/fev');"><img src="/global/images/contact/contact-thl.gif" /></a> to request an update, and we will do promptly. Limited staff resources and many projects will sometimes mean activity outstrips documentation.

Provided for unrestricted use by the external link: Tibetan and Himalayan Library