Jonang Monasteries > Kadam Monasteries

About THL > Features & Spotlights > Tibetan Monasteries Resources > Kadam Monasteries

Explore Kadam Monasteries

Below is a list of Kadam Tibetan Buddhist monasteries. This interactive list displays the name of the monastery in phonetic transcription and Extended Wylie transliteration; the county, the prefecture, and the province in which it is found; and links to resources related to that monastery, including its location on an interactive map and any descriptive essays of that monastery. All places – monasteries, counties, prefectures, and provinces – are linked to the entry for that place in the external link: THL Place Dictionary. Clicking on a column header will sort the table according to that column in ascending alphabetical order. The “filter” box above the list allows the user to enter key terms by which to interactively filter the results shown in the table. Only entries that contain the specific word or syllable entered will appear in the table.