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About THL > How to Participate > Meru Nyingpa Monastery Resources > Meru Nyingpa Monastery How to Participate

How to Participate in the Meru Nyingpa Monastery Project

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Meru Nyingpa Project. Scholarly materials related to any aspect of Meru life are solicited. These can take several forms:

  • Information/data related to Meru (historical, ethnographic, bibliographical, etc.)
  • Editions and/or translations of Tibetan texts. Here, the project is especially interested in receiving submissions of ritual texts used in the Meru liturgical cycles. We require a copy of the Tibetan text for the purpose of evaluation, ideally as a digital text in Wylie format, but we can help with text input if necessary. If you are interested in contributing funds toward our existing translation projects, please contact Will Rourk at THL's standard contact address.
  • Scholarly essays. These can consist of simple text, or they can incorporate a variety of digital media. All essays undergo peer review, and are accredited scholarly, digital publications. Contributors should feel free to contact the project directorfor initial feedback regarding possible contributions.
  • Archival materials, especially photos of monks or of the monastery taken before 1959, as well as documents from this period, are especially solicited.

The Meru Project also solicits information regarding other websites that have a substantive relationship to Meru , which will be evaluated as possible links.

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