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Status Report on the Meru Nyingpa Monastery Project

Last Updated: August 13, 2008.

The project is in excellent form, but its images and audio-video collections need to be republished in the fall of 2008 once the new media management system is in place. In addition, the three dimensional model of the monastic complex uses VRML, which has been replaced by X3D. We need to make this migration, but am unsure when we can find the time and resources to do so.

If this status report appears out of date, please contact us at <a class="safe-contact" href="javascript:linkTo_UnCryptMailto('nbjmup;uimAdpmmbc/jud/wjshjojb/fev');"><img src="/global/images/contact/contact-thl.gif" /></a> to request an update, and we will do promptly. Limited staff resources and many projects will sometimes mean activity outstrips documentation.

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