People In Thdl

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People in THL

NamePositionInstitutionEmail/Contact (reverse order of 2 items and insert @)THL Projects
Jose CabezonPositionInstitutionEmail/Contact (reverse order of 2 items and insert @)THL Projects
Georges DreyfusPositionInstitutionEmail/Contact (reverse order of 2 items and insert @)THL Projects
Mark FerraraPositionInstitutionEmail/Contact (reverse order of 2 items and insert @)THL Projects
David GermanoAssociate ProfessorUniversity of germanoTHL itself as director 
Nathaniel GrovePositionInstitutionEmail/Contact (reverse order of 2 items and insert @)THL Projects
Dan HaigPositionInstitutionEmail/Contact (reverse order of 2 items and insert @)THL Projects
Worthy MartinPositionInstitutionEmail/Contact (reverse order of 2 items and insert @)THL Projects
Daniel PittiPositionInstitutionEmail/Contact (reverse order of 2 items and insert @)THL Projects
Pema NamgyalPositionInstitutionEmail/Contact (reverse order of 2 items and insert @)THL Projects
Losang RabgeyPositionInstitutionEmail/Contact (reverse order of 2 items and insert @)THL Projects
Tashi RabgeyPositionInstitutionEmail/Contact (reverse order of 2 items and insert @)THL Projects
Will RourkPositionInstitutionEmail/Contact (reverse order of 2 items and insert @)THL Projects
Bess SadlerPositionInstitutionEmail/Contact (reverse order of 2 items and insert @)THL Projects
Kurtis SchaefferAssociate ProfessorUniversity of ks6bbTibetan Canons, Historical Collections, Reference 
Judy ThomasPositionInstitutionEmail/Contact (reverse order of 2 items and insert @)THL Projects
Steve WeinbergerPositionInstitutionEmail/Contact (reverse order of 2 items and insert @)THL Projects
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