Thdl Database Technologies And Models > Thdl Tibetan Historical Dictionary Sponsors

About THL > Sponsors > THL Tibetan Historical Dictionary Resources > THL Tibetan Historical Dictionary Sponsors

The Sponsors of the THL Tibetan Dictionaries Project

The project has an ambitious scope in terms of technology and data, which requires extensive funding, in addition to the voluntary contributions of many.

The University of Virginia has provided the staff for the initiative's complex technical infrastructure:

  • Tibetan and Himalayan Library staff funded by the Department of Education IRSP and TICFIA programs
  • ITC's Instructional Technology Group
  • Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities

Content generation has been funded in particular by Tibetan and Himalayan Library staff funded by the Department of Education IRSP and TICFIA programs. However, much of the content is provided freely by the volunteer scholars who are ultimately the dynamism making this project worthwhile.

Provided for unrestricted use by the external link: Tibetan and Himalayan Library