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About Us: Participants in Tibetan Geotourism Portal

Editorial Board

David Germano, Shi Minying, Losang Rabgey, Tashi Rabgey, Wang Songping.


The founding partners of the Tibetan Geotourism portal are the Machik, the University of Virginia, and the Tibet University Tourism School. Special roles have been played by the Tibet Academy of Social Sciences, and the Tibet Tourism Administration as well. The Tibetan and Himalayan Library is the site's publisher.

The portal is intended as a collaborative space in which many individuals, institutions, offices, and communities can publish and distribute resources on Tibetan tourism, especially with the motivation of supporting tourism which is beneficial to local Tibetan communities.

Participating Institutions

Columbia University, Kham Cultural Library, Machik, National Geographic Society, Rabsel, Thanglha Tsewang, Tibet University, Tibet Academy of Social Sciences, Tibet Tourism Administration, University of Virginia, Windhorse, Winrock.

Participating Individuals

Angluo, Tsering Gyurme, Tsewang Gyurme, Chris Jones, Khenpo Puntsok Namgyal, Tsering Perlo, Lodro Phuntsok, Dorje Tashi.

Provided for unrestricted use by the external link: Tibetan and Himalayan Library