Drukpa Kagyü ('brug Pa Bka' Brgyud)

The Drukpa Kagyü་ Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism (འབྲུག་པ་བཀའ་བརྒྱུད་) from the THL Tibetan Religions and Sects Encyclopedia


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The numerous Drukpa Kagyü ('brug pa bka' brgyud) sects draw their name from the Drukpa ('brug pa) monastery in southern Tibet founded by Tsangpa Gyaré (gtsang pa rgya ras, 1161-1211), also known as Pelden Drukpa Rinpoche Yeshé Dorjé (dpal ldan 'brug pa rin po che ye shes rdo rje, 1161-1211). He himself was a disciple of Lingrepa Pema Dorjé (gling ras pa pad ma rdo rje, 1128-88). Gtsangpa (rgod tshang pa) is a major successor of Tsangpa Gyaré. Pema Karpo (pad ma dkar po, 1527-1592) is one of the more important Drukpa Kagyü authors historically. The Drukpa Kagyü tradition eventually came to be dominant in Bhutan, where it is currently the official state religion equivalent to the status the Geluk sect enjoyed in Central Tibet prior to the Chinese takeover in 1959. (David Germano - June 21, 2004)

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