Local Transport

Tibetan Tourism Info for Visitors > Facts for the Visitor > Getting Around > Local Transport

Local Transport

Taxis are reasonably priced and fees are usually less then Rs50 (rupees) but you may have to negotiate in the evenings. Three-wheeled auto-rickshaws may also be available and will cost about half the taxi fare. Cycle rickshaws will cost about Rs 30-50 for a ride around town but be sure to agree on the price before you get in.

To/From the Airport:
There is an organized taxi service in the ground floor foyer level of the Kathmandu Tribhuvan Internatioanl Airport. The fixed fee to Thamel is Rs250 and to Durbar Marg is Rs200. You can also probably get a taxi from Thamel to the airport for Rs150.

Buses- Regular ¥ 1, Double-decker ¥ 2 Taxis ¥ 5-6 plus ¥ 1.4 per kilometer Bikes ¥ 10 per day

To/From Airport:
Airport bus No. 303 runs every half hour from the Air China office on Renmin Nanlu and is usually about ¥8. A taxi is about ¥ 40.

Most internal sites are within walking distance. If not a minibus or bike can be used.
Minibuses- cost only ¥2 and run to Dekyi Shar Lam, the Lhasa Hotel or the bus station. Cheapest, quickest method
Taxi- Standard fare of ¥ 10 anywhere inside the city.
Pedicab- Really only useful for short trips. Cost about ¥ 4.
Bicycle- Most convenient way to get around the city. Can be rented from the Banak Shol/Snowlands hotels for ¥ 3 per hour or ¥ 20 per day. If you’re not a guest of the hotel there will be a deposit of ¥ 200 – ¥ 400 or your passport. Be sure to lock up your bike to avoid theft.

To/From Gongkar Airport:
Airport buses cost about ¥ 35 and leave throughout the day. Buses from Gongkar airport (¥ 50) are also available. A taxi costs about ¥200 and will hold 3 people comfortably.

Contributors to this page:

Pamela Riis