
THDL Toolbox > Places & Geography > THDL Gazetteer > Gazetteer DTD Decoded For Dummies > %a.common Entity

Details for the entity "%a.common" from the THDL Gazetteer DTD Decoded For Dummies

Definition of the Entity:

<!ENTITY % a.common
                "id            ID                 #IMPLIED
                label          CDATA              #IMPLIED
                type           CDATA              #IMPLIED">

Description of the Entity:

%a.common = commonly used attributes

The label attribute should contain a shortened or alternative name for the element or its contents. The label's most frequent use is in dynamically-generated lists or tables of contents. The type attribute provides a mechanism for grouping elements primarily for later processing, e.g. by a stylesheet, or for extending the semantics of the element.

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Provided for unrestricted use by the external link: Tibetan and Himalayan Digital Library