Applying Styles To The Components Of Bibliographical Citations

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Applying Styles to the Components Of Bibliographical Citations

Contributor(s): David Germano, Than Grove, Alison Melnick, Steven Weinberger.


Once a bibliographical citation is in the right format, it is necessary to apply the appropriate Word style for each component: all text titles, article titles, text collection titles, text series titles, names of authors, names of editors, names of translators, publication places, names of publishers, date of publication, and so forth. The instructions here are limited to this issue - see Bibliographic Citations for the general instructions on how to format and style bibliographical citations in essays.

Example English Language Entry

Please Note: In the context of bibliographic entries, “English” refers to any language which shares the English alphabet. That is, other European languages are included in this category, whereas Tibetan, Sanskrit, Chinese, and Mongolian are not.

Reynolds, Valrae, Amy Heller, and Janet Gyatso. The Newark Museum Tibetan Collection. Vol. 3, Sculpture and Painting. Newark: The Newark Museum, 1986.

Markup for Each Component:

  • Reynolds, Valrae: author English,ae
  • Amy Heller: author English,ae
  • Janet Gyatso: author English,ae
  • The Newark Museum Tibetan Collection: Text Title English,tte
  • 3: Number Volume,nv
  • Sculpture and Painting: Text Title English,tte
  • Newark: publication place,pp
  • The Newark Museum: publisher English,pue
  • 1986: dates,dt

Example for Non-English Entries

For non-English components (for example, Tibetan text titles), the components should be entered in the appropriate column of the Glossary Table and the appropriate Word style should be applied to the term in the essay itself.

So, for the following entry in the Bibliography:

Rta rdo, ed. Dkar chag ’phang thang ma/ sgra sbyor bam po gnyis pa. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2003.

Enter rta rdo in the Glossary Table with editor in the Type column. The Glossary Table should look like this:


Note: Personal names in Tibetan or other languages that have a published English form should be used in such bibliographic references. Example: Khenpo Konchog Gyaltsen Rinpoche has translated The Jewel Ornament of Liberation into English, and the book has been published. Thus, in bibliographic references to this work, his name would be treated as an English name; it would have the Word style Translator English,tre applied to it; and it would not be entered in the Glossary Table.

Note: The format for bibliographic citations in the Bibliography and bibliographic references in the foonotes/endnotes are different. Please use the appropriate format and the appropriate Word styles, as detailed in this manual.

I. The Basic Citation Format for Monographs

1. Bibliography

This will display online in this format:

Sørensen, Per. Tibetan Buddhist Historiography: The Mirror Illuminating the Royal Genealogies. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1994.

Authors should apply the following Word styles to the citation:

textWord style
Sørensen, Perauthor English,ae
Tibetan Buddhist Historiography: The Mirror Illuminating the Royal GenealogiesText Title English,tte
Wiesbadenpublication place,pp
Harrassowitzpublisher English,pue

The entry in the Bibliography section of the Word doc (that is, in the Back section) thus will look like this:


Note: the paragraph Word style applied here is Bibliographic Entry,be.

2. First Occurrence in a Footnote/Endnote

This will display online in the footnote/endnote in this format:

Per Sørensen, Tibetan Buddhist Historiography: The Mirror Illuminating the Royal Genealogies (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1994), 234-43.

Authors should apply the following Word styles to the citation:

textWord style
Per Sørensenauthor English,ae
Tibetan Buddhist Historiography: The Mirror Illuminating the Royal GenealogiesText Title English,tte
Wiesbadenpublication place,pp
Harrassowitzpublisher English,pue

The entry in the footnote/endnote of the Word doc will thus look like this:


3. Subsequent Occurrences in a Footnote/Endnote

These will display online in this format:

Sørensen, Tibetan Buddhist Historiography, 77.

The entry in the footnote/endnote of the Word doc will look like this:


II. The Basic Citation Format for a Journal Article

1. Bibliography

These will display online in this format:

Dalton, Jacob. “The Early Development of Padmasambhava Legend in Tibet: A Study of IOL Tib J 644 and Pelliot tibétain 307.” Journal of the American Oriental Society 124, no. 4 (2004): 734-63.

Authors should apply the following Word styles to the citation:

textWord style
Dalton, Jacobauthor English,ae
The Early Development of Padmasambhava Legend in Tibet: A Study of IOL Tib J 644 and Pelliot tibétain 307Title Article English,tte
Journal of the American Oriental SocietyTitle Journal English,tje
124Number Volume,nv
4Number Issue,ni

The entry in the Bibliography section of the Word doc will thus look like this:


2. First Occurrence in a Footnote/Endnote

These will display online in this format:

Jacob Dalton, “The Early Development of Padmasambhava Legend in Tibet: A Study of IOL Tib J 644 and Pelliot tibétain 307,” Journal of the American Oriental Society 124, no. 4 (2004): 759.

Authors should apply the following Word styles to the citation:

textWord style
Jacob Daltonauthor English,ae
The Early Development of Padmasambhava Legend in Tibet: A Study of IOL Tib J 644 and Pelliot tibétain 307Title Article English,tte
Journal of the American Oriental SocietyTitle Journal English,tje
124Number Volume,nv
4Number Issue,ni

The entry in the footnote/endnote of the Word doc looks like this:


Subsequent Occurrences in a Footnote/Endnote

These will display online in this format:

Dalton, “Early Development,” 761. Note: do NOT use the format Dalton: 2004, 761.

Authors should apply the following Word styles to the citation:

textWord style
Daltonauthor English,ae
Early DevelopmentTitle Article English,tte

The entry in the footnote/endnote of the Word doc will thus look like this:


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