Contributor(s): José Cabezón, David Germano, Nathaniel Grove, Alison Melnick, Steven Weinberger.
For information regarding THL/JIATS formatting, punctuation, stylistic, and bibliographic conventions, go to the Structure of the Word Document: Front, Body, and Back Sections page. It is also helpful to look at examples from previous issues of JIATS (see and then click on “Current Issue”).
Note: If you are preparing an HTML essay in a Word document for conversion to XML, you must make all footnotes regular Word footnotes; the paragraph style for footnotes is Footnote Text,ftxt. To apply this style, select the text, activate the Styles box, type “ftxt,” and then hit “enter.”
Authors are NOT applying any Word styles. THL staff needs to apply ALL Word styles, including:
Author are _NOT filling out the metadata table at the top of the Word doc. THL staff needs to do that.
for more extensive descriptions of mark up, go to the Structure of the Word Document: Front, Body, and Back Sections page.
The XML markup for the front section should look like this (with the body of the abstract inside of the "<p>" tag):
<text> <front> <titlePage> <titlePart type="main"> Beyond Anonymity: Paleographic Analyses of the Dunhuang Manuscripts </titlePart> <titlePart type="short" rend="none">Beyond Anonymity</titlePart> </titlePage> <div1 type="abstract" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N"> <p> </p> </div1> </front>
The XML markup for the beginning of the body section should look something like this (note how the "Body" header is followed by the header for the first section of the essay itself):
<body> <head>Body </head> − <div1 org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N"> − <head> An Introduction to Forensic Handwriting Techniques </head>
The end of the body section should contain this markup:
</p> </div1> </body>
The XML markup for the back section should look like this:
<back> − <div1 org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N"> <head>Bibliography </head> − <div2 org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N"> − <head>Secondary Sources </head> − <bibl default="NO">
and the end of the back section should look like this:
</bibl> </div2> </div1> </back> </text> </TEI.2>
Note:__ See other pages for further details about markup within each of these sections.