
THDL Toolbox > Places & Geography > THDL Gazetteer > Gazetteer DTD Decoded For Dummies >fheader Element

h1 Details for the element "fheader" from the THDL Gazetteer DTD Decoded For Dummies

Definition of the Element

<!ELEMENT fheader       ((fclass|fcode)*, authority?)>
<!ATTLIST fheader       %a.common;
                        entrydate     %ISODATE;                 #IMPLIED
                        resp          CDATA                     #IMPLIED>

Description of the Element

fheader = administrative information about the feature.

Fclass contains feature classification data, e.g. populated place, river, etc., usually drawn from a standard thesaurus/ontology. Fcode contains a feature code, which may or may not be based on feature location, place in a hierarchy, etc. Fclass and fcode are probably only useful when the gazetteer is designed to stand alone; that is, when a sequential list of features will suffice without placing the features in a hierarchical arrangement. When a hierarchical arrangement is desired, the data contained in fclass and fcode should not be included in the gazetteer proper, but placed instead in a separate XML structure, e.g. a gdms document, which contains references to feature IDs. The authority element is provided in order to document the source from which the feature was taken.

Attributes of the Element

The "entrydate" attribute here indicates the date the fname was added to the gazetteer.

The "resp" attribute is used to record the name of the person responsible for entering the name.

XML Markup Examples


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