Fill Out The Metadata Table

THL Toolbox > Essays > THL Staff Documentation for XML Essays > Staff Instructions for the Cataloging Record

Staff Instructions for the Cataloging Record/Metadata Table

Contributor(s): José Cabezón, Michael Cox, David Germano, Nathaniel Grove, Alison Melnick, Steven Weinberger.

The Cataloging Record (also known as the Metadata Table)

For general instructions on how to fill out the Metadata Table, go to The Cataloging Record for your Essay page. There you will find basic instructions (directed at authors) for filling out the majority of the table, as well as some information for staff. If the author has not started to transfer her essay into the table, you should create one and fill it out according to the instructions on the general page. If you are marking up an essay that has already been transferred to a Metadata table document, there is some information you will need to add to the table. Also, if the author did not know what to enter in some columns, you should fill these in. Make sure that data has been entered in the box to the right of the box that has the name of the field. For example, enter the title of the essay in the box to the right of the box that reads “E-Text Title”; do not enter the title of the essay in the box that reads “E-Text Title.” If, after reading this and The Metadata Table you are still unclear as to how to fill out a field or fields, send Steve an email or add your question(s) to an ongoing list to give to him. Below are explanations for some sections that are most likely to need attention, even if the Metadata table was previously created by an author (note that the instructions for authors advise them to leave many fields blank, and we will need to fill these in once the documents are received from the author):


Enter the name(s) of mark-up staff here. If you are doing the mark-up, enter your name here!

Date (to the right of “Mark-up”)

Enter the date(s) when mark-up was completed.


For Tibetan Texts or other texts that are input to create e-texts, enter the name of the person(s) who input the text.

Date (to the right of “Inputter”)

Enter the date(s) input was completed.

Journal or Collection

This box should already have the text “Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies” in it. If the article is not for JIATS, enter the name of the title collection in which the essay appears.


If essay is for JIATS, enter the issue number here. If it is not for JIATS, leave this field blank.


For a JIATS article do not enter anything in this field; page numbers are inserted in the XML file after PDFs have been created (just before the issue is published). For other essays the pagination also is determined just before the essay is published.

Editor of Collection

If the essay is part of a collection, enter the name of the editor of the collection, if there is one.

Date (to the right of “Editor of Collection”)

Enter the date (or date extent) when editing of the collection was completed.


For JIATS articles leave this field blank. For other essays, enter a brief description of the essay.

Domain URL

Do not do anything to the text in this box, which should already read “/collections/index.php”

Domain Text

Do not do anything to the text in this box, which should already read “Collections”.

Portal URL

Do not do anything to the text in this box, which should already read “/collections/texts/index.php”.

Portal Text


Project URL

Do not do anything to the text in this box, which should already read “/collections/texts/jiats/index.php.” If you are not working on a JIATS article or essay, and you know the location for the essay in THL, enter that here. If not, add this to your list of questions for Steve.

Project Text

Enter the title of the project here. For example, if you are working on an article for JIATS, then “JIATS” should be entered here.

Home URL

For JIATS articles, do not do anything to the text in this box, which should already read “/collections/journal/jiats/index.php?s=##” If you are not working on a JIATS article or essay, and you know the location for the essay in THL, enter that here. If not, add this to your list of questions for Steve.

Home Text

Do not do anything to the text in this box, which should already read “Issue #” If you are not working on a JIATS article or essay, and you know the location for the essay in THL, enter its home text information here. If not, add this to your list of questions for Steve.

Breadcrumb Name for this doc

Enter the title of the essay if it is not already in the field.

XML for the Metadata Table

Here is an example of how the Metadata table information should look after it has been converted to XML:

<TEI.2 id="jiats03dalton">
	<teiHeader lang="eng" type="text" status="new">
	<title lang="eng" level="a" rend="s">
Beyond Anonymity: Paleographic Analyses of the
  					Dunhuang Manuscripts
	<title lang="eng" level="a" rend="p">
Beyond Anonymity: Paleographic Analyses of the
  					Dunhuang Manuscripts
	<title type="citation">
Beyond Anonymity: Paleographic Analyses of the Dunhuang
<title lang="chi" level="a" rend="none"/>
<title lang="tib" level="a" rend="none"/>
	<title lang="eng" level="j" rend="none">
Journal of the International Association of
  					Tibetan Studies
<name key="per2812" reg="" n="Dalton">Jacob Dalton</name>
<name key="per3169" reg="" n="Davis">Tom Davis</name>
<name key="per3168" reg="" n="Davis">Sam van Schaik</name>
Jacob Dalton
<name>Tom Davis</name>
<name>Sam van Schaik </name>
<resp>Word Mark-up</resp>
Zoran Lazovic 
<date> 2006-11-29</date>
<name>Alison Melnick</name>
<resp>Conversion to XML</resp>
<date> 2007-07-25</date>
	<publisher id="thdl">
<orgName type="digital library">Tibetan and Himalayan Library</orgName>
<addrLine rend="url">external link:</addrLine>
<orgName type="university">University of Virginia</orgName>
<settlement type="city">Charlottesville</settlement>
<region type="state">Virginia</region>
<num type="zipcode">22904</num>
<date> 2007-07-25 </date>
	<sourceDesc default="NO">
The Bibliographic Information of the Original Text or Journal if from a print publication
	<biblFull n="original" default="NO">
Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies
<author>Jacob Dalton, Tom Davis, Sam van Schaik</author>
<editor role="editor"/>
<num type="issue">3</num>
<num type="text"/>
<num type="pages"/>
<pubPlace>Charlottesville, VA 22904</pubPlace>
<publisher>Tibetan & Himalayan Library</publisher>

Book Reviews

For book reviews, the following needs to be done:

<body><head> tag should have a rend attribute that has the abbreviated version of the title used in the TOC. The stylesheet recognizes "i$" and "$i" as opening and closing italic tags in this rend attribute. Thus, the <head> tags look like this:

<head rend="Review of Goldstein’s i$A History of Modern Tibet$i, Volume 2">

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