Tibetan Participatory Knowledge Resources > Instructions For Setting Up Morphon Xml Editor For Thl

THL Toolbox > Web-Development > Creating an XML Document > Configuring Your Computer

Instructions for Setting up Morhpon XML Editor (Old Instructions)

To use THL’s version of XML proficiently on your local computer one will need to have several different resources already installed. First, one will need to download an XML editor for editing the XML documents. The editor of choice in THL is Morphon’s XML editor (See link in list below). Then, one needs to set up an XML folder directly on one’s C: drive that contains necessary files (DTDs, CSS styles, etc.) for the proper editing and display of TDHL XML as well as for the conversion. Finally, one needs to download the Word document used for applying styles and converting to XML. All of these are outlined in the following steps:

  1. Install Morphon's XML Editor
  2. Install THL Configuration File
  3. Configure Morphon
  4. Test Morphon
  5. Install THL Word Styles
  6. Install Conversion Macro Document

Install Morphon’s XML Editor

The first step is to install the free XML editor from Morphon. Download external link: Morphon’s XML Editor

Your machine must have the Java Runtime Environment (1.4.2) installed on it for Morphon to work. Therefore, two download options are provided:

  1. with the Java virtual machine.
  2. without the Java virtual machine

The one without Java is smaller and therefore faster to download, but if you are not sure whether the proper JVM is installed on your machine, choose the option with Java.

After the .exe file has been downloaded, double click on it and follow the instructions to install it on your machine.

Install THL Configuration File

An XML editor works properly only when it has the necessary grammar rules (DTDs) and CSS stylesheets. These allow it to understand the XML documents it reads and display them accurately. To do this, one needs first to download the external link: THL Morphon Configuration Zip file.

Then, perform the following:

  • Open the .zip file.
  • Without highlighting any of the contents, click on the “Extract” button.
  • In the resulting “Extract” window, click on Local Disk (C:) in the browse pane.
  • Then click on the “Extract” button.
  • This will create a folder called “xml” on your C: drive with the necessary folders and files in it for running Morphon and the conversion program.

Configure Morphon

To get the maximum functionality from Morphon, it needs to be configured. This is done through the following series of steps:

  • Open Morphon either through the Start Menu --> Programs, or by clicking on its desktop icon.
  • From the Edit menu, choose “Preferences”. (external link: View Screen Shot of Morphon Preferences Window).
  • Click on General in the left hand list.
  • Press the “Check” button next to “Associate xml files with this editor (Windows Only)”.
  • The "Reflect Morphon Association for (.xml)" panel will pop up. Click "Associate" and then "Close". (external link: View Screen Shot of Morphon Associations Window).
  • Click on Editor Pane in the left hand list.
  • Choose the font and size for your “element names”. The default size is too small. 12 or 14 works best. You may also want to change the font to “Arial Unicode MS”.
  • In the same pane change the option, “Start the edition mode with view mode” to “inline tags”.
  • Click on “Catalogs” in the left hand list.
  • Click the “Add” button that appears on the left.
  • Navigate to and choose “C:/xml/catalog.xml”.
  • Click on “Attributes Panel” in the left hand list.
  • Check the box that is labeled “Auto commit”.
  • Choose “Source View” in the left hand list.
  • Set the font to “Arial Unicode MS” and the size to 12.

Test Morphon

In order to test that Morphon is properly set up on your computer, double clicking on the C:testxmltestfile.xml that was unzipped onto your hard drive from the MorphonConfig archive. It should open up in Morphon with the proper formatting. The association of XML files with Morphon set in the preferences appears to be buggy and Windows may ask you to locate the program file, after that it should work properly. Or, you can open up Morphon from the Start menu and open the file using the File menu > Open option. This file and folder can be deleted after Morphon has been successfully configured on your computer.

Provided for unrestricted use by the external link: Tibetan and Himalayan Library