Journal Submissions

THL Toolbox > Essays > Journal Submissions

Journal Submissions

The general process involved in publishing a JIATS article consists of seven distinct steps:

The general process involved in publishing a JIATS article consists of the following steps:

  1. Get finished articles from authors to submit for review.
  2. Send out to reviewers, either one by one to different reviewers if the volume consists of unrelated articles, or as a whole to two reviewers for a thematic volume.
  3. Reviewer will send us comments and an assessment of the article(s); this is the one step that author & editor have little control over in terms of how long it takes.
  4. Send reviewer comments to authors, and then they need to make their final changes and submit; this step's duration depends on the speed of the author.
  5. The final version of an article that an author submits needs to be prepared according to THL documentation, including the creation of a Glossary Table, if this has not already been done by the author. If the author has completed mark-up and created a glossary table, these must be checked for accuracy by THL staff.
  6. Authors will also submit brief biographical essays and a photo to be included in the issue, as well as a signed hard copy of the author agreement form.
  7. Once all author bios are received, these should be copied and pasted into one Metadata document, Word styles should be applied where necessary, and the document should then be uploaded to the author bios folder for that particular issue. This document will later be converted to XML and will require proofing along with all articles and book reviews.
  8. The article is converted into XML, at which point THL staff proof the conversion for basic errors. Once the managing director has proofread the article, an online copy is shown to authors, who complete a final proofing.
  9. The article is posted in JIATS.
  10. THL staff must send out requests for news items for the "News" page to the JIATS mailing list. A separate Word document should be created for all news items that will appear in the issue. These should also be marked up according to the general markup process.

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