Contributor(s): THL Staff.
Under Email Archive, just click on options and you can easily rename the mailing list as you like.
If you subscribe with say,, but your emailer has the "from" address set at, or an alias "", the mailing list will not recognize you as subscribed and hence reject any email you send. An easy fix for this is to go into the options for the mailing list, and change it so that anyone can send email to the list. That might become problematic in terms of blocking spammers, but since the address is advertised only to site participants only in an authenticated environment, spammers should not have access to the address. However this could become a problem if someone's computer becomes infected or hacked, and the address to fall into the hands of spammers that way. The other solution is that users subscribe to the worksite using the email address they actually have in their "from" field within their email program. If its a UVa address, you will have to subscribe it as a non-UVa address, since you can only subscribe as a UVa address by specifying your computing ID.
There is a spam filtering problem, where mail sent from the mailing list is being often identified as spam and sent to spam filters. This should be resolved soon.