Qtvrs > Making Slide Labels

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Making Slide Labels

Contributor(s): David Newman

In dealing with slide photography - whether one is digitizing slides or storing slides - it is important that the slides have clear and umambiguous labels. The easiest way to do this is to create computer printed labels that are consistent and easy to read. The present document gives an easy to use guide to the creation of slide labels.

Though there are a number of ways to create labels using Mail Merge features and the like, what is presented here is a very simple system of using a Microsoft Word template and replacing the project names and file prefixes.

Type of Labels Needed

The template is geared to work with Slide Pro Labels from Image Innovations.inc. Here are their contact details:

  • www.slidescribe.com
  • 800-345-4118

This is what you will need to order:

  • Catalog #: LL-SU
  • 84 labels per sheet
  • For 5040 labels the price is $40 as of early 2004

MS Word Template

Download the template, save it as a new file and edit it. Note that in the template, each label has two lines: the project name and the file name. The project name is for general reference, however the file name is very important and should comport with THL naming conventions. Please make sure to discuss with us before creating new file names.

  • Right-click to download a Microsoft Word template with over 1000 entries: "LabelTemplate.doc". Save a copy with a different name so that the original can be preserved.
  • Make global replacements to enter the project names and file prefixes.
  • Delete any remaining rows of labels. For instance, if you are creating labels for a group of 200 images, then you will need to delete the remaining 900 labels. Select the rows of labels, right-click and choose "Delete Rows".

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