Contributor(s): Brad Aaron, Andres Montano, Steve Weinberger
In OS X, open terminal, navigate to the hard drive volume you want to catalog (cd volumes)
When you are in the root directory of the volume to be cataloged, type:
ls -R | grep ":$" | sed -e 's/:$//' -e 's/[^-][^/]*//--/g' -e 's/^/ /' -e 's/-/|/'
into the command line (copy and paste from here)
Then copy and paste the results of the directory index (which indexes the entire drive by directory, sub directories and files) into a new section below. Make sure to paste into the 'Wiki Markup' window and include the tags
-------- around the pasted lists. --------
How to find a list of all FCP files within a directory or volume on OS X *(limited usefulness since mac files are categorized by resource forks and not by file extensions, so some older files don't have the *.fcp file extension)*:
find /volumes/VOLUMENAME -name *fcp
How to separate the file name from the path to add both path and file name to a spreadsheet for wrangling:
You need to do this in a text editor that supports Regular Expression searching. [Textmate|] (proprietary software for Mac OS, oXygen, etc) For Windows, there is [Notepad RE|] free text editor. Open a new file in the text editor Copy the column of data from the spreadsheet and paste it into the text editor file Select Regular Expression in the search-and-replace box $ In the Text to find box enter: ([^/]+)$ In the Replace with box enter: $1t$1 Press Replace all This will add a tab and then the filename for each row Copy this and paste it into 2 columns in the Excel doc If the directory path uses backward slashes rather than forward slashes, in the Text to find box replace the forward slash with two back slashes.
After you have separated the filename from the path, you can copy and paste the corresponding column into the AV wrangling spreadsheet in the right location.