Presentations In Sakai

THL Toolbox > Workflow Issues > Sakai Collaborative Worksite Technology > Presentations in Sakai

Presentations in Sakai

Contributor(s): David Germano

The Basics

The Presentation tool allows you to present a set of slides to many viewers. As the presenter, you can move forward and backward through the slides, and viewers (using the Join mode) will follow each move within a few seconds. Thus you can use it show a presentation within a room via a projector, or, more interestingly, you can use to do an online presentation to viewers who are only connected to you via the Internet.

Viewers also can switch to View mode, and navigate through the slides independently of the presenter. Viewers can switch back to Join mode to rejoin the show at any time.

How to Do It

Presentation folders: To create a presentation, upload a series of files into the Resource tool under the folder Presentations (case does matter). Within the Presentations folder, each sub-folder will contain a separate presentation. So an example presentation might be a series of JPEG images in the folder Presentations/week-01. Slide order is determined by a sort of the file names or file titles (if provided).

Join mode: This mode allows viewers to follow along as you, the presenter, move forward and backward through your presentation.

View mode: This mode allows viewers to move through your presentation independently.

Multiple presenters: Any user who has write access to the folder in Resources that contains the presentation can act as presenter.

Things to consider

  • While watching a presentation, it may take up to 10 seconds for viewers to see the new slide after the presenter advances the slide.
  • Viewers can refresh manually to see the latest slide if the automatic advance seems to be taking too long.
  • The Presentation tool can handle any web-displayable image file, including .gif, .png, and .jpg.

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