Contributor(s): THL Staff.
Every text, and every collection of texts, needs a unique ID. We need to resolve immediately whether we want to use a one to a billion ID system where everything just gets a numerical ID, or some type of distinctive letter-numerical ID that uses sigla for each collection and/or text. That would indicate we need a ID generator that keeps track of IDs for texts, images, etc. all separately.
While letter-numerical IDs are characteristic of the print world, the real ID should be a THL id that is one to a billion. At the most there might be a "T" prefix to indicate the ID is a Text, while AV would indicate audio-video. We could also use traditional sigla as a kind of mneumonic for people, even though the "real" ID is a random numerical ID.
We have created a sigla manager system. For staff and permitted participants, see the administrators-only page to get information on its access. It allows you to view and add siglas. Plus it also provides an XML feed for the Authority List of Siglas. So every time a new sigla is added or changed, the list will display the changes. What remains to be done is add code for deleting sigla entries.
Sigla rules: