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THL Place Dictionary Submissions by Spreadsheet Instructions

Contributor(s): Andres Montano, David Germano, Steven Weinberger.

Quick link: external link: current version of the spreadsheet. Only download this if you know what you are doing – otherwise read below first.


The THL Place Dictionary has a sophisticated online editing interface for creating and revising place entries. However, when one is simultaneously working on the description of many places, it is far easier to work in an offline format like a table or spreadsheet. Then you can rapidly work on multiple entries simultaneously without having to open and close modules for each piece of data. In addition, people often have worked on place data without reference to THL, and then want to submit their work without having to cut and paste every bit of information online into the right fields. For these reasons, we have created a module to automatically import place descriptions in a standardized spreadsheet into the Place Dictionary.

This will not simply work with any spreadsheet, but rather ONLY with the THL Place Dictionary Standard Importation Spreadsheet, or a reduced version of it (that is, a derivative produced by deleting columns). Thus if work has been entered into a table, it must first be imported into a THL Standardized Place Spreadsheet; and data entered into alternative spreadsheet formats will need to be imported into the THL Standardized Place Spreadsheet. Once done, however, importation should be straightforward.

The actual importation at present of the finished spreadsheet must be done by a THL staff member. In the future, we plan to make a Web interface for editors to be able to do this directly.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Make sure you have read the general THL Place Dictionary Editor’s Manual so that you are familiar with the structure of place entries

Search the external link: THL Place Dictionary to determine which of the places you want to describe are already in the Place Dictionary and which are not. For those places which are in the THL Place Dictionary already, you will need to record the THL feature ID since you will need to cite that in the spreadsheet. In addition, make sure that you see what information is already there for any place already present in the THL Place Dictionary, since you do not want to add the same information twice; plus you want to consider how your information, such as a new name, may be related to names already there, so you can specify that information as relevant in the spreadsheet.

2. You then need to generate a new "feature ID" for each place you are describing and which is not already in the THL Place Dictionary. These new feature IDs are then recorded in the spreadsheet, and the importation process will use these IDs to import the data in the spreadsheet to the right Place Dictionary record (which is identified by the Place Dictionary ID). The process of generating new feature IDs is as follows:

  1. Go to external link: http://places.thlib.org and log in. You will be prompted to use UVa login via Netbadge or to enter your username and password. To access the Feature ID Generator page, you must be logged into the Place Dictionary since this is only available to Editors in the administrative section of the Place Dictionary.
  2. After you are logged in, paste this URL into your browser and press Return: external link: http://places.thlib.org/admin/feature_pids This will take you to the Feature ID Generator page
    1. If for some reason that doesn't work, follow this procedure:
      1. After you log in, press the plus sign to the left of "Show Menu" in the green toolbar at the top right of the screen.
      2. Under the heading "Place Dictionary" press "Edit."
      3. Pull down the menu (which should say "Admin Home") and select "Place ID Generator" (you might have to use the scroll bar to scroll down to this).
  3. Once you are on the Feature ID Generator page, press "New Feature Range"
  4. Enter a number for how many feature IDs you want to generate (this is the number of new features for which you need IDs)
  5. Press "create" and it tells you the range of feature IDs, which you will use in the spreadsheet. For example, if you enter "3" when it asks how many features you want to generate, it will return something like "Range created: F15453 to F15455."

To be explicit, when you request new feature IDs, the Place Dictionary actually creates entries for each of the IDs. However, it sets them as "blank" so that they don't show up to public users of the Place Dictionary. Those can then be used for your spreadsheet. When it is imported, the flag will be switched to "is blank is false" so that it will show up in the Dictionary online for the public.

3. Now you need a spreadsheet. The first step is to download the external link: current version of the spreadsheet.

4. Next you must decide what types of data you need to input, and then examine the columns in the spreadsheet to figure out which columns to use. You can delete all columns you don't want to use, which will make the spreadsheet more user friendly for your work.

5. Now put your data into the spreadsheet, carefully following the Editor’s Guidelines in ALL details. Keep in mind you don't have to fill out all data for each spreadsheet – you can just leave fields blank if they are not relevant. The only field that is required to have data is the features.fid column. This must be filled out, since this is the information used by the importation process to match your data to entries in the database.

6. Once you are finished entering data in the spreadsheet, you send the spreadsheet to the designated THL staff member, who will handle the formal importation process.

Details of Columns in the Spreadsheet

Each row corresponds to an entry for a single place. The columns then are types of data that can be specified for each individual place.

Please note that we are building this spreadsheet and accompanying instructions as people request to use specific fields for importing spreadsheets of place data. Thus if there are fields of data that are covered by the Place Dictionary Editor’s Manual, but which are not included here, just contact us to see if the fields can be added to the spreadsheet.

Feature IDs

features.fid enter the ID for the feature, whether it is already in the Place Dictionary, or whether its a new ID you procured for a place not yet described in the Place Dictionary. Only the number is necessary; do NOT prefix the number with an “F”.

features.old_pid should not be used except by THL staff who prefer to identify the feature by way of the older IDs used by THL before the current system was implemented INSTEAD of the newer FID. Most editors should thus ignore the features.old_pid column. Only enter data in EITHER the features.fid column OR the features.old_pid column; DO NOT ENTER data in both columns.


You can associate one or more projects with a feature. Use these fields:

  • project.#.code
  • project.#.fullname

If the project does not already have an entry in the list of projects available when you pull down the menu on the main edit page and select "Projects," contact us and we will add it.


You can enter any number of names for a given place entry. The spreadsheet has columns for 13 names. If you don’t have that many names, after you are finished entering data into the spreadsheet for all the features you are describing, then delete the unused columns. If you have more than 13 names for a single feature, then add columns. The instructions below are based on the spreadsheet having columns for 13 names.

For each name, the one required column you must enter data in is #.feature_names.name (where # is a number from 1 to 13 (however if you have more than 13 names for a feature, you can add additional columns 14.feature_names.name as necessary). The other columns that begin with that number are for entering additional data about that name. These include:

  • #.languages.code
  • #.writing_systems.code
  • #.feature_names.info_source.id
  • #.feature_names.is_primary

and so forth.

Example: you have entered the feature ID for a place in the features.fid column. Now you want to add names for that place.

  • 1.feature_names.name Enter the first name in this column. For example, མིང་མེད་ཡུལ། NOTE: enter the primary name for the place in the field 1.feature_names.name. If the place is a Tibetan place, then the Tibetan name in Tibetan script is the primary name; see the Editor’s Manual for details.
  • 1.languages.code enter the appropriate code for the language of the name entry (for example, "bod" for Tibetan, "dzo" for Dzongkha, "zho" for Chinese, "eng" for English, etc.The full list of codes can be found here external link: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/admin/languages once you login, and here in this table:


  • 1.writing_systems.code enter the appropriate code from the list below. For this example, “tibt” is the code for Tibetan script

 Writing SystemCode 
 Devanagari scriptdeva 
 Latin scriptlatin 
 Simplified Chinese Charactershans 
 Tibetan scripttibt 
 Traditional Chinese Charactershant 

  • 1.feature_names.info_source.id this is the ID from the THL bibliography repository for the source of the data. This will in most cases be a published book or article, although it could also be a website or other online resource (see immediately below when the source is a person). To find the ID, go to external link: http://mms.thlib.org/media_objects and in the Search box at the top of the page, enter the title of the book that is the source of the information. Then copy the ID and paste it into the 1.feature_names.info_source.id cell in the spreadsheet. If the book is NOT in the THL bibliography repository, you need to create an entry for it. See the Place Dictionary editor’s manual for details. See the “Source” section below on how to enter the volume number and/or page number for the source.
  • 1.feature_names.info_source.oral.fullname If the source of the name is a person, enter it in the spreadsheet. NOTE that the name must already be in the PEOPLE table. See the Place Dictionary Editor's Manual for instructions on adding names to the PEOPLE table.
  • 1.feature_names.is_primary this field is to indicate the primary name for romanization for the feature (that is, the primary name in roman script). The default primary name for romanization for Tibetan place names is the name in THL Phonetics; for Chinese place names, the default primary name for romanization is the pinyin. In these cases, you do NOT need to enter anything in this field. The exception to this is if there is a partial translation of a place name in which the feature type is translated, such as Tsering Hotel or Mapam Lake, in which case that is the primary name for romanization. In such cases, enter YES in this field. The other exception to the rule for primary romanization name is when there is a well-known English name for a place, such as is the case for the Tibetan place name ཇོ་མོ་གླང་མ། (jo mo glang ma), which has the English name Mount Everest; Mount Everest would be the primary name for romanization (see the Editor’s Manual for more details).
  • 1.feature_names.1.time_units.date the date that this name was used. For example, 2010. The format is either YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY. See below for entering in the spreadsheet date ranges, Tibetan calendrical dates, etc. See the Editor’s manual for details pertaining to date ranges, Tibetan calendrical dates, etc.
  • 1.feature_names.1.time_units.certainty_id enter 1 in this field for dates that are certain; enter 2 for dates that are probable (=reasonably sure but not completely), as when a scholar does 1345?-1357; enter 3 for dates that are estimated (=a rough but informed guess).
  • If there is a date range rather than a single year, then do not enter any data in the field 1.feature_names.1.time_units.date. Instead, add these four columns to the spreadsheet and enter the appropriate data in each column:
    • 1.feature_names.1.time_units.start.date
    • 1.feature_names.1.time_units.start.certainty_id
    • 1.feature_names.1.time_units.end.date
    • 1.feature_names.1.time_units.end.certainty_id
  • 1.feature_name_relations.parent_node if the name is not an original name, enter the parent name here. The number you enter is the number from the spreadsheet name. For example, if the parent name is in the cell 4.feature_names.name, then enter “4” (without the quotation marks).
  • 1.feature_name_relations.is_translation if this name is a translation or partial translation, then enter yes; you also need to enter the number of name it is a translation of in the column 1.feature_name_relations.relationship.code. See the Editor’s manual for more details. In the example of མིང་མེད་ཡུལ།, it is not a translation, so you would leave the field blank.
  • 1.feature_name_relations.relationship.code if the name is a phonetic or orthographic rendering of a feature, then go to the Editor’s interface, pull down the dropdown menu, and select either Orthographic systems or Phonetic systems, find the code for the specific phonetic or orthographic system, and enter it in this field. In the example, མིང་མེད་ཡུལ། is neither a phonetic nor orthographic system. However, if the name was ming med yul, you would enter the code for the THL Extended Wylie transliteration orthographic system: thl.ext.wyl.translit. If the name is a partial translation-partial phonetic rendering (like Nueva York), then in this column enter the code for the type of phonetic transcription, and be sure to enter "yes" in the 1.feature_name_relations.is_translation column, and also be sure to enter the number for the parent name in the field 1.feature_name_relations.parent_node. For a Chinese name that is a partial phonetic rendering of the Tibetan name and a partial translation (like Zangwa si for gtsang ba dgon pa), the language=tib, and in the is_translation field you enter yes. For the phonetic of Dzongkha names, enter dzo.to.eng.transcrip in the #.feature_name_relations.relationship.code field.
  • 1.feature_names.1.etymology: Enter the etymology for the name; follow the instructions in the Place Dictionary Editor's Manual.
    • Add the column 1.feature_names.1.etymology.languages.code
    • If you have source data and time data for the etymology, this gets attached to the name itself in the following columns: 1.feature_names.1.info_source.id, 1.feature_names.1.info_source.volume, 1.feature_names.1.info_source.pages, 1.feature_names.1.time_units.date, 1.feature_names.1.time_units.certainty_id, and so forth
  • You can add a note to a name. Create a new column, and enter this header in row two: #.feature_names.1.note
  • 2.feature_names.name enter the next name for this feature. For example, the phonetic transcription Mingmé Yül. Add data to the rest of the columns that begin with “2.” for which you have data.

Order of Names

For Tibetan place names:

  1. Enter the name in Tibetan font for that place in 1.feature_names.name column and its associated columns
  2. Enter the name in THL Phonetics in the 2.feature_names.name column
  3. Enter the name in THL Extended Wylie in 3.feature_names.name column
  4. If there is a second Tibetan name, enter the name in Tibetan font in 4.feature_names.name column, enter the name in THL Phonetics in 5.feature_names.name column, enter the name in THL Extended Wylie in 6.feature_names.name column, etc
  5. If there is not a second Tibetan name and there is a Chinese name, enter the Chinese name in Chinese characters in 4.feature_names.name column, enter the name in pinyin in 5.feature_names.name column, etc.

For Chinese place names:

  1. Leave 1.feature_names.name, 2.feature_names.name, and 3.feature_names.name and their associated columns blank; enter the name in Chinese characters in 4.feature_names.name, enter the pinyin in 5.feature_names.name, etc.

For a place that has both a Chinese and a Tibetan Name:

  1. Determine which name is the primary name
    1. If the Tibetan name is primary, then enter the Tibetan name in 1.feature_names.name column and its associated columns, etc.
    2. If the Chinese name is primary, then leave 1.feature_names.name column and its associated columns blank; enter the Chinese name in Chinese characters in 4.feature_names.name, and enter the pinyin in 5.feature_names.name; then enter the Tibetan name in 6.feature_names.name (or whatever the next available column is after all the Chinese name data has been entered) and the associated columns.

If you are working on a spreadsheet that has more than one root name (that is, a name that is not a child of any other name) and you need to prioritize the names, do the following.

  1. Add a column with this header: #.feature_names.position
  2. Then in the cell, enter 1 to make it the main root name; enter 2 to make it the second root name; enter 3 to make it the third root name; etc. You can also use this to prioritize sibling names (that is, names that are children of the same parent name) but you will not likely need to do this.

Source for Wylie, THL Phonetic, and Pinyin

If a Tibetan name is given in a source but in that source it does not give the Wylie or phonetic, in the spreadsheet assign the same source to the Wylie and phonetic as you did for the name in Tibetan font. The same holds for pinyin: assign the same source as for the name in Chinese characters, even if the source does not actually give the pinyin.

NOTE: Tibetan Names If the first character in a cell is ' (single quote, which is the Wylie of the letter a chung འ) you need to insert a second single quote in the Excel doc. Otherwise, Excel does not read it as a character (it reads it as part of a command string) and it will NOT get imported into the Place Dictionary and the Wylie will be incorrect. If you are entering data into a spreadsheet, be sure to enter the extra ' for each initial a chung. (This only applies when the a chung is the FIRST letter of a name).

If you are processing a spreadsheet, you can find every instance of this in the spreadsheet this way:

  1. Copy the entire column of the spreadsheet that has names in Tibetan font. Do this by moving your cursor to the top of the column until it becomes an arrow and then clicking; this will select all the text in the column
  2. Open a blank word doc and paste into it the column you just copied. It will be a table
  3. At the top left corner of the table, when you hold your mouse over it there is a little plus sign. Click that and it will highlight the entire table.
  4. In the Layout menu, click “Convert to text” (it might be “Convert table to text”)
  5. Choose paragraph as the delimiter
  6. Click OK. This should change the table into text, with each entry on its own line. If you turn on formatting, you should see a paragraph mark (¶) at the end of each line
  7. Open the search box (Windows=control-f; Mac= command-f)
  8. Run each of the following searches. For each Tibetan name that the search finds, go into the spreadsheet and double-click in the cell with the Wylie name. You will now see a single ' straight single quotation mark. Type in a second ' (straight single quotation mark) at the beginning of the cell that has the Wylie for that name; there will now be two single straight quotation marks ('') at the beginning of that cell. Once you click in another cell only one single straight quotation mark will appear at the beginning of the cell.


NOTE: Tibetan Names At the end of every name in Tibetan script, you need to enter a shad (།). Thus, enter སེ་ར་དགོན། There are two exceptions: 1) when a name ends in ང enter a tsheg+shad, so it looks like this: ང་། 2) When the name ends in ག, do not enter a tsheg and do not enter a shad. If you already have Tibetan font names in a column and need to add the shad, follow this procedure:

  1. Copy all the cells in the column that has names in Tibetan font and paste into a Word doc
  2. This will be pasted in as a table. Move your cursor to the top left corner of the table, over the cross; click on this to select the entire table.
  3. Click the Layout tab, in the Data section click on "Convert to Text," and then under "Separate Textwith" select paragraph marks. Click OK.
  4. With the text still select, do this search a replace. In Find what enter ^p; in Replace with enter །^p; then click replace all. When it asks "Do you want to search the remainder of the document?" click No.
  5. Perform this search and replace. Find what: ང།^p Replace with: ང་།^p click replace all. When it asks "Do you want to search the remainder of the document?" click No.
  6. Perform this search and replace. Find what: ང།^p Replace with: ང་།^p click replace all. When it asks "Do you want to search the remainder of the document?" click No.
  7. Perform this search and replace. Find what: ག།^p Replace with: ག^p click replace all. When it asks "Do you want to search the remainder of the document?" click No.
  8. With the text still highlighted, copy the text (Windows: control-c; Mac command-c)
  9. Go back to the spreadsheet file. The text you originally copied should still be highlighted (that is, all the cells in the column with Tibetan font names). Paste in the text from the Word doc thus: Windows: control-v; Mac: command-v.
  10. Check a few rows to make sure the Tibetan font name and Wylie correspond; this will confirm that you pasted the data back into the correct rows.
  11. Do the same thing for any other columns of Tibetan font names in the spreadsheet.

NOTE: in order to use this procedure, ALL the names in the column must be in Tibetan font; you cannot do this if the column has non-Tibetan font names in it.

Features and Names that Are already in the Place Dictionary

If the feature you are working on already exists in the Place Dictionary but the names and name relations are done incorrectly and it will be faster to delete them and reimport the data correctly by entering it into the spreadsheet than it would be to go into the Place Dictionary and manually fix everything via the editing interface, then add the column feature_names.delete and enter yes in this field. IF YOU DO THIS you MUST make sure that all the data that is already in the Place Dictionary entry is in the spreadsheet (including source data, which does not display in the public view); otherwise, the data will be lost.

Adding Names and Metadata for a Feature that Is already in the Place Dictionary and for which You Do NOT Enter "YES" in the feature_names.delete Field

You want to add a Chinese name that is a transcription of a Tibetan name of a feature that is already in the Place Dictionary. For example, external link: http://places.thlib.org/features/4439. This already has the Tibetan name སྒར། in the Place Dictionary but there is no Chinese name, and you want to add the Chinese name 噶尔:

  1. In a new row in the spreadsheet, add a new column to the right of 1.feature_name_relations.parent_node
  2. In the second row of this column paste in 1.feature_name_relations.parent_node.name
  3. Then in the row for the feature you want to add the Chinese name to, in the column 1.feature_name_relations.parent_node.name paste in the name that you copied from the Place Dictionary entry (make sure to copy the full name).

You can also use the name ID from the Place Dictionary:

  1. In a new row in the spreadsheet, add a new column to the right of 1.feature_name_relations.parent_node
  2. In the second row of this column paste in 1.feature_name_relations.parent_node.id
  3. Then in the row for the feature you want to add the Chinese name to, in the column 1.feature_name_relations.parent_node.id enter the ID of the Tibetan name from the Place Dictionary.
    1. To find the ID, log into the Place Dictionary, and in the search box enter the name of the feature. In this example that is སྒར།
    2. Click the pencil next to Gar at the top of the Place Dictionary record. This will open the edit interface.
    3. Put your cursor over the name you are looking for (in this example, སྒར།) and at the bottom of your browser a URL will display. It will look like this: places.thlib.org/admin/features/4497/feature_names/8630/edit
    4. The ID number at the end of that URL, 8630, is the number you need; copy it
    5. You can also click the folder icon to the left of the name and it will go to the manage name window; look in the URL and the number at the very end is the ID number you need.
  4. In the row you are working on, paste this number into the 1.feature_name_relations.parent_node.id column
  5. Then enter data in the column 1.feature_name_relations.relationship.code (and if the Chinese name in this example is a translation of the Tibetan name, in the column 1.feature_name_relations.is_translation) the same way you do for a parent name that is in the spreadsheet.

To add a source or other metadata to a name that is already in the Place Dictionary:

  1. In a new row, add a new column to the right of the column 1.feature_names.name. In the second row of this new column paste in 1.feature_names.existing_name
  2. In the row you are working on, in the column 1.feature_names.existing_name paste in the name you copied from the Place Dictionary
  3. Then enter the source data in the column 1.feature_names.1.info_source.id the way you usually do, enter the source pagination data in the column 1.feature_names.1.info_source.pages the way you usually do, etc.

You can also add a source to a name already in the Place Dictionary using the name ID:

  1. In a new row, add a new column to the right of the column 1.feature_names.name. In the second row of this new column paste in 1.feature_names.id
  2. In the row you are working on, in the column 1.feature_names.id, enter the ID number of the name from the Place Dictionary, following the instructions immediately above to find the ID of the name.
  3. Then enter the source data in the column 1.feature_names.1.info_source.id the way you usually do, enter the source pagination data in the column 1.feature_names.1.info_source.pages the way you usually do, etc.

Adding Names when the Feature is already in the Place Dictionary but the Names to Be Added Are Root Names that Are Not in the Place Dictionary

  1. Enter data such as writing system, language, and so forth according to the instructions above.
  2. Do NOT enter anything in the fields #.feature_name_relations.parent_node or #.feature_name_relations.relationship.code

Names That Are Alternate Spellings

When a given place or feature has a name which is an alternate spelling of another name, such as པུ་ཧྲེང་ and པུ་རང་ , first determine which is the primary spelling and which is the alternate spelling. Then enter data for the name which is the alternate spelling following the instructions above (#.languages.code, #.writing_systems.code, etc) with these exceptions:

  1. In the #.feature_name_relations.parent_node field, enter the number of the primary name
  2. Create a new column with the header #.alt_spelling_systems.code
  3. Find the CODE for the type of alternate spelling in this list; copy and paste the CODE into the spreadsheet:

 Alternate spelling typeCode 
 Mistaken Spellingmistake.spell 
 Variant Spellingvar.spell 

Note: in the example for Sera Monastery, it has names se ra theg chen gling and se ra dgon; se ra dgon is an alternative spelling of se ra theg chen gling, type=contraction.

Feature Types

  1. feature_types.delete if there is already data in the Place Dictionary entry for feature type and you are changing that data, enter "yes" in this field. If you are both changing existing feature type data and adding new feature type data, then enter "yes" in this field. If there is already data for feature type in the Place Dictionary entry and you are adding new data but you are not changing the existing data, then do NOT enter anything in this field. If you are newly creating the Place Dictionary entry or if the existing Place Dictionary entry does not have any feature type data, then do NOT enter anything in this field.
  2. 1.feature_types.id specify the ID of the feature type for the place: village, mountain, etc. Consult the list at external link: THL Feature Thesaurus and copy the ID from the node of the feature type you want. Note: if you are entering data for a feature that already exists in the Place Dictionary and the Place Dictionary entry already has a feature type assigned to it, do NOT enter anything in this field. For contemporary administrative units in the PRC, (for example, a county) use Geographical Features > Political > Nation > China > Third Admin Unit > County; do NOT use Geographical Features > Political > Nation > China > Detailed China Administrative Units Model > Nation > etc.
  3. Name of Feature Type enter the name of the feature type, which you copy from the Feature Thesaurus (see URL immediately above)
  4. 1.feature_types.1.info_source.id enter the source of the feature type information. This is the MMS ID of the source that says, for example, the toponym ming med yul is a township or zhwa lu is a monastery. If the source is not in the MMS, create an entry for it in the MMS and then enter the ID here.
  5. 1.feature_types.1.time_units.date this is the date for which the feature type is valid. See the section “Dates” below.
  6. 1.feature_types.1.time_units.certainty_id enter the certainty of the information about the date. See the section “Dates” below.


A source can be a resource in the Media Management System (MMS), an online resource, or it can be a person.

An example of a source of a name that is a resource in the MMS: 1.feature_names.1.info_source.id

An example of a source of a name that is an online resource not in MMS: 1.feature_names.1.info_source.url

An example of a source of a name that is a person: 1.feature_names.1.info_source.oral.fullname

You can have a source for the following components:

  1. #.feature_names.1.info_source.id
  2. #.feature_types.1.info_source.id
  3. #.feature_geo_codes.1.info_source.id
  4. #.feature_relations.1.info_source.id (note: this is in place of #.feature_relations.type.1.info_source.id)
  5. #.kmaps.1.info_source.id
  6. #.kXXX.1.info_source.id
  7. #.shapes.1.info_source.id
  8. #.summaries.1.info_source.id
  9. #.captions.1.info_source.id

You can add a column for volume number and/or page number for the source. For example:
1.feature_names.1.info_source.volume and 1.feature_names.1.info_source.pages
In 1.feature_names.1.info_source.pages you can enter either a single number or a page range, such as 13-26
If there is more than one page or more than one page range (or a single page and a page range) for an individual source, then insert two columns in the spreadsheet and put this in the header column (this example is a source for 1.feature_name): 1.feature_names.1.info_source.1.pages 1.feature_names.1.info_source.2.pages

You can add multiple sources for a given component; add the second source as xxx.2.info_source.id. For example:

To add a note about a source: xxx.info_source.1.note

Online Sources

For online sources, create an MMS record and be sure to include the URL. Then copy the MMS ID and paste it into the spreadsheet just as you would for a book or article.

If you have many webpages from a single website as sources, then follow this procedure:

  1. Create an MMS record for the homepage of the website, such as Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center. In the URL field enter the address, for example external link: http://www.tbrc.org
  2. Each time you cite as a source an individual webpage, in the column 1.feature_names.1.info_source.id enter the MMS ID
  3. Add another column and in the second row enter 1.feature_names.1.info_source.path
  4. In the row you are working in, enter in the column 1.feature_names.1.info_source.path the rest of the URL for the specific webpage. For example, if the webpage that is the source is external link: http://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=P155, then in the column you enter /#!rid=P155
  5. If the webpage has a name, then add another column, in the second row enter 1.feature_names.1.info_source.name, and in the row you are working in enter the name. If the webpage does not have a specific name, then do not put anything in this column.

People and Other Sources that Are Not in the MMS

Sometimes the source for a piece of information is a person or other source that is not a book, article, or online resource, and therefore does not have a record in the MMS. In such cases, do the following:

  1. Create a new column
  2. Enter XXX.info_source.oral.fullname as the column header. For example, for a person who is the source of 1.feature_names.name, enter this as the column header: 1.feature_names.1.info_source.oral.fullname
  3. In the feature's row for that column, enter the full name of the person.
  4. Sometimes there is no one person who can be called the source, in these cases, where it is a well known fact in a community, you can put Local Knowledge in the cell under the XXX.info_source.oral.fullname column header


A date must ALWAYS go in a separate column.

  1. 1.feature_names.1.time_units.date if you only have a single year for which a name is applicable – for example, the year a place name index was published – enter this, in the format MM/DD/YYYY. If you only know the year, use the format YYYY.
    1. 1.feature_names.1.time_units.certainty_id enter 1 in this field for dates that are certain; enter 2 for dates that are probable (=reasonably sure but not completely), as when a scholar does 1345?-1357; enter 3 for dates that are estimated (=a rough but informed guess).
  2. 1.feature_names.1.time_units.start.date if you know the start date for the feature name, enter it here.
    1. 1.feature_names.1.time_units.start.certainty_id enter 1 in this field for dates that are certain; enter 2 for dates that are probable (=reasonably sure but not completely), as when a scholar does 1345?-1357; enter 3 for dates that are estimated (=a rough but informed guess).
  3. 1.feature_names.1.time_units.end.date if you know the end date for the feature name, enter it here.
    1. 1.feature_names.1.time_units.end.certainty_id enter 1 in this field for dates that are certain; enter 2 for dates that are probable (=reasonably sure but not completely), as when a scholar does 1345?-1357; enter 3 for dates that are estimated (=a rough but informed guess).
  4. Seasons you can also enter data for seasons if you have it. Example: 1.feature_names.1.time_units.season_id. Then enter the appropriate ID from this list:
    1. 1=Spring
    2. 2=Summer
    3. 3=Fall
    4. 4=Winter
  5. Generations if a date is given in the format "three generations": use 20 years for the length of a generation and calculate the number of years; set the certainty to 3; add a note that says "Three generations; estimate based on 20 years per generation."

Tibetan Dates

  1. For a Tibetan date for, for example, 1.feature_names: insert a column with the header1.feature_names.1.time_units.calendar_id. Then enter 2.
  2. For a rapjung for 1.feature_names, for example: insert a column with the header 1.feature_names.1.time_units.date.rabjung_id; then enter the number of the rapjung. So if it is the third rapjung, then enter 3 in the cell.
  3. To specify the calendrical system: insert a column with the header 1.feature_names.1.time_units.date.calendrical_id. Then enter the appropriate ID from these two options:
    1. 1=Pakluk Kalacakra
    2. 2=Tsurpu
  4. To specify the element component of the date: insert a column with the header 1.feature_names.1.time_units.date.element_id. Then enter the appropriate ID from this list:
    1. 1=earth (sa)
    2. 2=iron (lcags)
    3. 3=water (chu)
    4. 4=wood (shing)
    5. 5=fire (me)
  5. To specify the animal component of the date: insert a column with the header 1.feature_names.1.time_units.date.animal_id. Then enter the appropriate ID from the list below:
    1. Hare = 1
    2. Dragon = 2
    3. Snake = 3
    4. Horse = 4
    5. Sheep = 5
    6. Monkey = 6
    7. Cock = 7
    8. Dog = 8
    9. Boar = 9
    10. Rat = 10
    11. Ox = 11
    12. Tiger = 12
  6. To specify the gender component of the date, insert a column with the header 1.feature_names.1.time_units.date.gender_id. Then enter the appropriate ID from the list below:
    1. Female = 1
    2. Male = 2
  7. To specify an intercalary month and day:
    1. Insert a column with the header 1.feature_names.1.time_units.date.intercalary_month_id. Then enter the appropriate ID: 1=Secondary; 2=Tertiary
    2. Insert a column with the header 1.feature_names.1.time_units.date.intercalary_day_id. Then enter the appropriate ID: 1=Secondary; 2=Tertiary
  8. To specify the season, insert a column with the header 1.feature_names.1.time_units.date.season_id. Then enter the appropriate ID from the list below:
    1. 1=dpyid ka
    2. 2=dbyar ka
    3. 3=ston ka
    4. 4=dgon ka
  9. To enter the month, insert a column with the header 1.feature_names.1.time_units.date.month, and then enter the number of the month.
  10. To enter the day of the month, insert a column with the header 1.feature_names.1.time_units.date.day, and then enter the number of the day.
  11. To enter the hour, insert a column with the header 1.feature_names.1.time_units.date.hour, and then enter the number of the hour.
  12. To enter the minute, insert a column with the header 1.feature_names.1.time_units.date.minute, and then enter the number of the minute.
  13. To enter the day of the week, insert a column with the header 1.feature_names.1.time_units.date.day_of_week_id. Then enter the appropriate ID from this list:
    1. 1 = Sunday (gza' nyi ma)
    2. 2 = Monday (gza' zla ba)
    3. 3 = Tuesday (gza' mig dmar)
    4. 4 = Wednesday (gza' lhag pa)
    5. 5 = Thursday (gza' phur bu)
    6. 6 = Friday (gza' pa sangs)
    7. 7 = Saturday (gza' spen pa)


Up to four geocode types can be specified for a place. For each geocode type the required columns are:

  1. 1.geo_code_types.code to get the geo code, go to the Editor’s manual, pull down the dropdown menu, and select Geocode Types.
  2. 1.feature_geo_codes.geo_code_value enter the actual number, like a zip code, etc.
  3. 1.feature_geo_codes.1.info_source.id enter the MMS ID for the source of the geocode. If the source is not in the MMS, create it in the MMS and then enter the ID here.
  4. 1.feature_geo_codes.1.time_units.date the date a geocode is applicable. For format and types of dates, see the “Dates” section

Here are the geocode types and their corresponding codes to input into their corresponding columns:

 TypeType Code 
 Aufschnaiter Lhasa Map IDauf.id 
 Bellezza Site IDbell.id 
 FIPS 10-4fips 
 Flashmap IDflashmap.id 
 GB Codegb 
 GB Code - Ryavecgb.ryavec 
 ISO 3166-1 alpha-2iso.alpha.2 
 ISO 3166-1 alpha-3iso.alpha.3 
 ISO 3166-1 numericiso.num 
 Lhasa Atlas IDla.id 
 Official United States Postal Service state abbreviationsstusps 
 Postal Codepost 
 Royal Government of Bhutan Codergb 
 TBRC Geocodetbrc 
 THL Extended GB Codegb.ext 
 Tibet Heritage Fund Lhasa Building IDthf.id 
 US 2-character 113th congressional district FIPS codecd113fp 
 US 2-character state FIPS codestatefp 
 US 8-character National Standard ANSI codestatens 
 US AFF Summary Level Codeaffgeoid 
 US Geographic IDgeoid 
 Zip Codezip 

Relationships between Places

This allows you to specify the relationship between two places. To see the list of relationships and explanations of each, see the FEATURE RELATIONS COMPONENT section of the Place Dictionary Editor's Manual (you can also see the list in the Place Dictionary itself: go to the Editor’s interface, pull down the dropdown menu, and select Feature Relation Types).

  1. feature_relations.delete if there is already data in the Place Dictionary entry for related features and you are changing that data, enter "yes" in this field. If you are both changing existing related feature data and adding new related feature data, then enter "yes" in this field. If there is already data for related features in the Place Dictionary entry and you are adding new data but you are not changing the existing data, then do NOT enter anything in this field. If you are newly creating the Place Dictionary entry or if the existing Place Dictionary entry does not have any related feature data, then do NOT enter anything in this field.
  2. 1.feature_relations.related_feature.fid specifies the Place Dictionary ID for the place that has a relationship to the place you are entering data for in the spreadsheet. Obtain that ID by searching the THL Place Dictionary. Only include the number and do NOT include the “F” prefix.
  3. 1.feature_relations.1.type.code see the list below, which is from the Editor’s interface admin, pull down the dropdown menu, and select Feature Relations Types. For a monastery within a township or county, use is.contained.by; for a river, lake, mountain or other feature that is within two or more townships or counties, use part.loc.
  4. 1.feature_relations.1.time_units.date the date for which the feature relation obtains. If the date is a range rather than an single year, add the start and end columns as described in Dates section.
  5. 1.feature_relations.1.time_units.certainty_id the certainty of the information about dates.
  6. 1.feature_relations.1.info_source.id identifies the source of information about the related feature. Like all info_source.id data, this is the MMS ID of the resource.
  7. 1.perspectives.code the perspective in which the relationship obtains, such as administrative, cultural, and so forth. See below for the list of perspectives, which can also be accessed by going to the Editor’s interface, pulling down the dropdown menu, and selecting Perspectives. For a monastery within a township or county, use pol.admin.hier. For a township within a county, county within a prefecture, etc, use pol.admin.hier. For a historical polity, use hist.pol.admin.unit. For a cultural region, such as Repgong within Amdo, use cult.reg. If you are using contemporary administrative units to locate a historical polity and its administrative units, use geo.rel.
  8. 1.feature_relations.1.note add this column if you want to add a note about this feature relation.

Note: if you have already imported data into the Place Dictionary and it had the wrong perspectives.code, you can fix this: take the spreadsheet, save it as a new name, delete all the data except the features.fid column, and in row 2 of the second column enter feature_relations.replace; then enter the correct code in that column.

Feature Relationship Type Codes

 same.locationhas the same location as 
 has.entirely.located.within.ithas entirely located within it 
 is.contained.byis entirely located in 
 is.the.partial.location.ofis the partial location of 
 part.locis partially located in 
 intersects.withintersects with 
 is.adjacent.tois adjacent to 
 is.nearis near 
 is.centered.inis centered in 
 has.centered.inhas centered in it 
 has.as.an.instantiationhas as an instantiation 
 is.an.instantiation.ofis an instantiation of 
 has.as.a.parthas as a part 
 is.part.ofis part of 
 is.administered.byis administered by 
 has.as.an.administrative.seathas as an administrative seat 
 is.administrative.seat.ofis the administrative seat of 
 is.administrative.headquarters.ofadministrative headquarters of 
 has.as.an.administrative.headquartershas as an administrative headquarters 
 is.mother.ofis mother of 
 is.child.ofis child of 
 is.succeeded.byis succeeded by 
 is.owned.byis owned by 
 is.affiliated.withis affiliated with 
 is.in.conflict.withis in conflict with 
 is.related.tois related to 

Perspectives Codes

 Cultural Regionscult.reg 
 Site Relationshipssite.rel 
 Political Relationshipspol.rel 
 Cultural Relationshipscult.rel 
 Environmental Relationshipsenvir.rel 
 Administrative Relationshipsadmin.rel 
 Organizational Relationshipsorg.rel 
 Religious Relationshipsrel.rel 
 National Administrative Unitspol.admin.hier 
 Historical Polity Administrative Unitshist.pol.admin.unit 
 Geographic Relationshipgeo.rel 
 Electoral Relationshipselect.rel 

Knowledge Map Characteristics

The Place Dictionary allows any category in THL’s Knowledge Map of Subjects Database to be associated with a place entry in the Place Dictionary. Each subject has a unique ID (a K#). In addition, in the Place Dictionary, you can make a short textual and/or numeric text entry associated with a particular subject (for example, if your Kmap ID is for the subject "Destruction" you could enter the means of destruction in that column). Finally, every subject associated with a place can also have a source, note, and date associated with it.

There are two cases for entering subject data. The first is associating a specific subject, such as the population of monks in a monastery, with a particular place dictionary feature when there is additional data to enter, such as the number of monks. The second case is associating a specific knowledge map subject with a place dictionary feature when there is no additional data related to this subject (other than date and/or source for a particular subject); an example is associating a religious sect affiliation with a monastery.
Case 1: for each subject characteristic you want to associate with a feature:

  1. Find the ID for that subject: go to external link: external link: http://subjects.kmaps.virginia.edu/features/6403, navigate to the category you want, and copy the ID.
  2. Then add a column to the spreadsheet.
  3. In the first header row (that is, row 1) for the new column, enter the name of the subject. For example, if you want to add the population of monks in a monastery, you would go to the THL Knowledge Map of Subjects and navigate to the “Monks” category. Enter “Monks” in the first row of the column you just added.
  4. Then, in the second row of this new column, enter the ID of the subject, prefaced by “K”; to find the ID, go to the THL Knowledge Map of Subjects, click on the category, and on the left-hand side of the screen you will see a field ID:. Copy this number and paste it into row 2 of the column you just added. In this example, it is K4939. Add "1." to the beginning of this so it reads 1.K4939
  5. In the cell that is the intersection of the row of the place you want to add a number for the population of monks and the column you just added, enter the number of monks. For example, if row 15 of the spreadsheet is a monastery and you want to enter 500 for the number of monks, in row 15, in the column with 1.K4939 as its row 2 header, enter 500
  6. If there is a date associated with this, add a column to the right of this column. Leave the first header row (row 1) blank. In row 2 enter 1.K4939.1.time_units.date; in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row of the feature you want to enter the date for the Monks population, enter the date (see the Dealing with Dates section below for the format; see the Dates section above for a date range).
  7. Add a column to the right of 1.K4939.1.time_units.date; in the second row, enter 1.K4939.1.time_units.certainty_id and enter the appropriate number (1, 2, or 3; see Dates section above for instructions for determining and entering the date certainty).
  8. If you want to add a note about the Monks population, add a column and in the second row header enter 1.K4939.1.note; then enter the note in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row of the feature you are entering this data for.
  9. If you want to enter a source for the Monks population data, create a new column; in row 2 enter 1.K4939.1.info_source.id; and then enter the MMS ID of the source in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row of the feature you are entering this data for. If the item is not in MMS, you must create it in the MMS and then enter the ID number in this field of the spreadsheet.
  10. If you want to enter a volume number for the source, then create a column; in row 2 enter 1.K4939.1.info_source.volume; and then enter the volume number in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row of the feature you are entering this data for.
  11. If you want to enter a page number for the source, then create a column; in row 2 enter 1.K4939.1.info_source.pages; and then enter the page number in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row of the feature you are entering this data for.

NOTE: if you have two different dates of for example the construction of a building (K2746) and they are from two different sources:

  1. Enter the data for the first date:
    1. Create a new column; in row 2 enter 1.K2746.1.time_units.date; and then enter the date in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row of the feature you are entering this data for.
    2. Create a new column; in row 2 enter 1.K2746.1.time_units.certainty_id; and then enter the certainty ID in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row of the feature you are entering this data for.
    3. If you want to enter the source for this date, create a new column; in row 2 enter 1.K2746.1.info_source.id; and then enter the ID of the source in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row of the place you are entering this data for.
    4. If you want to enter the pagination, create a new column; in row 2 enter 1.K2746.1.info_source.pages; and then enter the pagination in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row of the place you are entering this data for.
  2. Enter the data for second date:
    1. Create a new column; in row 2 enter 2.K2746.1.time_units.date; and then enter the date in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row of the feature you are entering this data for.
    2. If you want to enter the source for this date, create a new column; in row 2 enter 2.K2746.1.info_source.id; and then enter the ID of the source in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row of the feature you are entering this data for.
    3. If you want to enter the pagination, create a new column; in row 2 enter 2.K2746.1.info_source.pages; and then enter the pagination in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row of the feature you are entering this data for.
    4. If you have another source and it has the same date as the second source, create a new column; in row 2 enter 2.K2746.2.info_source.id; and then enter the ID of the source in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row of the feature you are entering this data for.
    5. If you want to enter the pagination, create a new column; in row 2 enter 2.K2746.2.info_source.pages; and then enter the pagination in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row of the feature you are entering this data for.

NOTE: if you have two different values for the same characteristic, for example one source says a building has two stories and one says it has three stories (K6930=stories):

  1. Enter the data from the first source:
    1. Create a new column; in row 2 enter 1.K6930; and then enter the number of stories in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row of the feature you are entering this data for.
    2. Create a new column; in row 2 enter 1.K6930.1.info_source.id; and then enter the ID of the source in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row of the feature you are entering this data for.
    3. Create a new column; in row 2 enter 1.K6930.1.info_source.pages; and then enter the pagination in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row of the feature you are entering this data for.
  2. Enter the data from the second source:
    1. Create a new column; in row 2 enter 2.K6930; and then enter the number of stories in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row of the feature you are entering this data for.
    2. Create a new column; in row 2 enter 2.K6930.1.info_source.id; and then enter the ID of the source in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row of the feature you are entering this data for.
    3. Create a new column; in row 2 enter 2.K6930.1.info_source.pages; and then enter the pagination in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row of the feature you are entering this data for.

Case 2: You want to associate Geluk from the Religious Sects Knowledge Map with some entries and Nyingma with other entries.

  1. Create a new column in the spreadsheet. In Row 1 enter Religious Sects (this is the name in the knowledge map of the parent of the categories you want to enter). In row 2 enter 1.kmaps.id
  2. In the cell that is the intersection of the row for the feature that you want to add the Geluk association and the column you just added, enter K914 (this is the subject ID for Geluk).
  3. In the cell that is the intersection of the row for the feature that you want to add the Nyingma association and the column you just added, enter K885 (this is the subject ID for Nyingma).
  4. To assign a date, add these columns and enter the data in the appropriate fields: 1.kmaps.1.time_units.date and 1.kmaps.1.time_units.date.certainty_id (see section above on dates for details, and also for entering a date range)
  5. If one place needs to be affiliated with both Geluk and Nyingma:
    1. Add a second set of columns 2.kmaps.id and follow the same procedure as you did for associating the first religious sect with this name.

For the type of Subject data in case 1, if you want to add text rather than a numeric value, you can do that. For example, if you are adding data that chos rgyal ’phags pa was the founder of a monastery, then:

  1. Go to the column for Founding KMap data (in the second row it has K4928). Then in the cell that is the intersection of this column and the row for the feature you want to add the data, enter the text (without the quotation marks) “by Chögyel Pakpa (<em>chos rgyal ’phags pa</em>)”

Displaying the Parent Name and Not the Root Knowledge Map Name in the Label

For some characteristics, you want the parent category name to display in the online record rather than the name of the Knowledge Map itself. Example:

You are adding the KMap characteristic Bönpo Kangyur holdings (external link: external link: http://subjects.kmaps.virginia.edu/features/5549). The name of the Subject that this is part of is "Monastery Characteristics." However, we are going to have data for the number of Bönpo Kangyurs in the monastery's holdings (1), so we want the label in the online end-user display to be "Bönpo Kangyur holdings: 1" and NOT "Monastery Characteristics: 1". Therefore do the following:

  1. Add the following columns to the spreadsheet:
    1. 1.K5549.show_root
    2. 1.K5549.show_parent
    3. 1.K5549
  2. In the row for the column 1.K5549.show_root enter "no" (without the quotation marks)
  3. In the row for the column 1.K5549.show_parent enter "yes" (without the quotation marks)
  4. In the row for the column 1.K5549 enter "1" (without the quotation marks; this is the numeric value that you want to display)

KMap Notes: a note about a KMap characteristic has the header #.K###.1.note or #.kmap.note. A note is not attached to, for example, #.K###.1.time_units.note.

kmaps.delete if there is already data in the Place Dictionary entry for knowledge map characteristics and you are changing that data, enter "yes" in this field. If you are both changing existing knowledge map characteristics data and adding new knowledge map characteristics data, then enter "yes" in this field. If there is already data for knowledge map characteristics in the Place Dictionary entry and you are adding new data but you are not changing the existing data, then do NOT enter anything in this field. If you are newly creating the Place Dictionary entry or if the existing Place Dictionary entry does not have any knowledge map characteristics data, then do NOT enter anything in this field.

The knowledge map category "Exists" is particularly important. See the instructions in the editor's manual, and enter data for this in the spreadsheet using the format for case 1 detailed above.

Contested Territories

This addresses territories that are claimed by more than one nation.

  1. 1.contestations.contested if the place is contested by two or more nations, enter "Yes" (without the quotation marks)
  2. 1.contestations.administrator specifies who controls the land on the ground
  3. 1.contestations.claimant specifies who additionally claims rights to the land without controlling it


This gives the physical location for a place.

  1. 1.shapes.1.lat enter the latitude in decimal degrees only. See section 5, “LOCATIONS COMPONENT,” of the Place Dictionary Editor’s Manual for details and URLs to convert minutes and seconds into decimals. If you try to enter a plus sign in the Excel doc and it doesn't retain it, then do the following:
    1. Select the entire column by moving your cursor over the letter at the top of the column; your cursor will turn into an arrow pointing down.
    2. Right-click and select "Format Cells"
    3. Choose "Text"
    4. This should solve the problem. If it does NOT, then change the format back to General, and enter a single straight quote before the plus sign. This will definitely solve the problem.
  2. 1.shapes.1.lng enter the longitude in decimal degrees only. See section 5, “LOCATIONS COMPONENT,” of the Place Dictionary Editor’s Manual for details and URLs to convert minutes and seconds into decimals. If you are having trouble entering a plus sign, see the instructions under 1.shapes.1.lat immediately above.

If you have latitude and longitude data that is in the form of a range, for example lat 30.57 - 33.16, long. 79.01 - 81.11, then insert columns with the following headers and enter the data in them:


If you have 2 (or more) different points from a single source, use these column headers:
1.shapes.1.lat, 1.shapes.2.lat If you have data from two or more sources, use these column headers:
1.shapes.1.lat, 2.shapes.1.lat

  1. shapes.altitude.delete if there is already data in the Place Dictionary entry for altitude and you are changing that data, enter "yes" in this field. If you are both changing existing altitude data and adding new altitude data, then enter "yes" in this field. If there is already data for altitude in the Place Dictionary entry and you are adding new data but you are not changing the existing data, then do NOT enter anything in this field. If you are newly creating the Place Dictionary entry or if the existing Place Dictionary entry does not have any altitude data, then do NOT enter anything in this field.
  2. 1.shapes.altitude enter the altitude in METERS only. See section 5, “LOCATIONS COMPONENT,” of the Place Dictionary Editor’s Manual for details.

If you have altitude readings such as 4600+, add a column with the header 1.shapes.altitude.estimate and then enter 4600+ in that column; don't enter anything in 1.shapes.altitude.

  1. 1.shapes.1.info_source.id the source of the latitude, longitude, and altitude information
  2. 1.shapes.1.info_source.pages
  3. 1.shapes.1.info_source.volume
  4. 1.shapes.1.note

If you have maximum and minimum altitude readings for a feature, enter the data in the following columns:

  1. shapes.altitude.minimum
  2. shapes.altitude.maximum
  3. shapes.altitude.average

If average altitude data has already been imported into a Place Dictionary entry and you want to add maximum and minimum altitude for that entry, make a new spreadsheet with the following columns:

  1. FID
  2. shapes.altitude.delete: enter "yes"
  3. shapes.altitude.minimum: enter value
  4. shapes.altitude.maximum: enter value
  5. shapes.altitude.average: enter value. Note that this is probably the value that is already in the entry.


Every feature should have a caption (see editor's manual for details). There can be captions in multiple languages (for example, in Tibetan, in English, and in Chinese), but there can be only one caption in each language.

  1. #.captions.content enter the text of the caption
  2. #.captions.languages.code enter the code for the language the caption is written in
  3. #.captions.author.fullname enter the full name of the author of the caption


Every feature should have a summary (see editor's manual for details). There can be summaries in multiple languages (for example, in Tibetan, in English, and in Chinese), but there can be only one summary in each language.

  1. #.summaries.content enter the text of the summary
  2. #.summaries.languages.code enter the code for the language the summary is written in
  3. #.summaries.author.fullname enter the full name of the author of the summary
  4. #.summaries.title enter the title of the summary.


You can attach any number of essays to a place entry, as well as the author of the essay and the essay title, using these fields:

  1. descriptions.delete if there is already a description in the Place Dictionary entry and you are editing that description, enter "yes" in this field. If you are both changing an existing description and adding a new description, then enter "yes" in this field. If there is already a description in the Place Dictionary entry and you are adding a new description but you are not changing the existing description, then do NOT enter anything in this field. If you are newly creating the Place Dictionary entry or if the existing Place Dictionary entry does not have a description, then do NOT enter anything in this field.
  2. #.descriptions.content enter the essay in this field. If you want markup, you either need to add it manually before import or to add it manually using the online interface after import.
  3. #.descriptions.author.fullname enter the full name of the author. NOTE: the name must be in the Users table of the Place Dictionary
  4. #.descriptions.title enter the title of the essay in this field. For short, paragraph-length overviews, use the title An Overview of X. Example: An Overview of Repgong. The title in Tibetan would be: རེབ་གོང་གི་ནང་དོན་གནད་བསྡུས།. For a longer essay, use the title An Introduction to X. Example: An Introduction to Repgong. The title in Tibetan would be: རེབ་གོང་གི་ངོ་སྤྲོད།
  5. #.descriptions.languages.code enter the three-letter abbreviation for the language in which the description is written, using the same abbreviations as you use for language codes (for example, "bod" for Tibetan, "dzo" for Dzongkha, "zho" for Chinese, "eng" for English, etc.)


You can associate images from two sources with the record: photos or other visual resources in THL MMS image collections, and photos or other visual resources found on the web.

To associate an illustration found on the web (please read the editor's manual about copyright issues), create the following columns in the spreadsheet:

  • #.external_pictures.url enter the illustration's URL
  • #.external_pictures.caption enter a short caption for the illustration
  • #.external_pictures.place.id this is the Place Dictionary ID of the feature the illustration is associated with

To associate an illustration from the THL MMS image collections:

  • #.mms_pictures.picture_id enter the MMS ID

NOTE: in the future this will include images from Shared Shelf and will involve the Drupal Gallery image management module.


You can add a note to the following fields:

  • #.feature_names
  • #.kmaps
  • #.kXXX
  • #.feature_types
  • #.feature_relations
  • #.shapes
  • #.feature_geo_codes

You can also add a note to the names section as a whole (see below); this note will be applied to all the names.

When you add a note, create three columns with these headers in row two:

XXX.1.note.author.fullname enter the name of the person who wrote the note
XXX.1.note.title enter the title of the note, such as “Note on date of founding”
XXX.1.note.content enter the text of the note

Adding a note to a given field: insert three columns to the right of the field the note is about, and in row 2 of those columns paste in the name of the field plus “.note.author.fullname”; “.note.title”; and “.note.content”. Then enter the data in the cells as detailed immediately below.

Example: you are adding a note for the subject in row 43 of the spreadsheet, which has an explanation about the relationship “is part of” between this feature and another feature, which is recorded in the field 1.feature_relations.related_feature.fid,.

  1. Insert three new columns to the right of 1.feature_relations.related_feature.fid
  2. In row 2 of these columns, enter 1.feature_relations.1.note.author.fullname; 1.feature_relations.1.note.title; and 1.feature_relations.1.note.content. Then in the cell that is the intersection of row 43 and these columns, enter respectively the following: Jane Scholar; Note on relationship; Some consider this relationship to be reversed.

You can add as many notes to a given field as you want. Example: you want to add 2 notes to 1.feature_names. To do this, insert two sets of three columns each. In row 2 of the first set of three columns, enter respectively: 1.feature_names.1.note.author.fullname; 1.feature_names.1.note.title; 1.feature_names.1.note.content. In row 2 of the second set of three columns you added, enter: 1.feature_names.2.note.author.fullname; 1.feature_names.2.note.title; 1.feature_names.2.note.content
Then enter data in each of the cells.

Adding a note to all the names in the Names section: insert three columns in the spreadsheet. In row 2, enter respectively: feature_names.1.note.author.fullname; feature_names.1.note.title; feature_names.1.note.content
Then enter data in each of the cells.

To add a second note that applies to all names, insert three new columns and in row 2 enter respectively: feature_names.2.note.author.fullname; feature_names.2.note.title; feature_names.2.note.content

Tibetan Words in the Data

Use this format: phonetics (wylie). Phonetics is capitalized if it is a proper noun; Wylie is never capitalized within parentheses. To italicize the Wylie, add the markup: <em>wylie to be italicized</em>. Be sure to use THL Phonetics and THL Extended Wylie. There is documentation on both of these in the Toolbox.

Provided for unrestricted use by the external link: Tibetan and Himalayan Library