Time > Etymology

THDL Toolbox > Places & Geography > THDL Gazetteer > Gazetteer DTD Decoded For Dummies > Etymology Element

Details for the element "etymology" from the THDL Gazetteer DTD Decoded For Dummies

Definition of the Element

<!ELEMENT etymology     (head?, (authority|blockquote|div|list|note|p|table)*)>
<!ATTLIST etymology     %a.common;
                lang          %LANGUAGE;                #IMPLIED>

Description of the Element

etymology = Explanatory text on the origin and development of a geographic name.

Currently, etymology is not used but we are leaving it in place.

Attributes of the Element

The attribute "etymology" is %a.common.

The "lang" attribute indicates the language of the fname as per %LANGUAGE.

XML Markup Examples


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